white flies


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is my first grow. my plants are pretty healthy. However I noticed there little white knats or white flies on my plants. I was wondering if they are harmful. If so, any suggestions on getting rid of them. Thx. +rep for anyone that helps.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well, I like to use the organic pepper sprays, but in veg most anyting will do fine as long as it is for vegetables.

Good luck with them. I hate whiteflies in my potatoes and I seem to get them every year....


Well-Known Member
you can also try neem oil (i like it at 5ml per L) and spray the plants every 4-5 days thru week 2 of flower

or pyretheum foggers are nice, tooo


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the help. I picked up Sevin Insecticide at a local nursery. It worked great. I used it once and all the bugs are gone. EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! I am extremely happy with this product. It says its ok to use on vegetables. I also dilluted it even more than the bottle says, so now I have tons of this stuff and it only cost 10 dollars. I would recommend this to anyone with a white fly infestation. PEACE.