white fuzz growing on flowering plant


Well-Known Member
Looks like white powdery mildew. What is your RH? Google it for effective treatments (if that's it).


I know they look like just tricones but these are very different. I have been at this for 5 years believe me its not tricones.

Under the microscope they looked like crystals.


Looks like white powdery mildew. What is your RH and ventilation? Google it for home remedies.
Im not sure the RH. But I have a 125cfm fan for a room half the recommended size.

I will google ot but do you know any easy cheap fixes?

Also is ot still smokable?


Well-Known Member
That's powdery mildew... Not good late in flower. Some people would chop them down and throw them out. Late in flower not much works that doesn't ruin buds. One thing I have done that works well that contains no chemicals is skim milk and water. Mix the skim milk and water at a 1:9 ratio, the one part being milk. It won't kill it all but it will knock it way back for about a week giving you time to harvest.

Smoking mildew is horrible for your lungs.

Sent from Northern Colorado.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of washing buds off that have it... never tried it myself.

Someone will be by shortly to post the youtube vid from Jorge, lol.


Well-Known Member
That's powdery mildew... Not good late in flower. Some people would chop them down and throw them out. Late in flower not much works that doesn't ruin buds. One thing I have done that works well that contains no chemicals is skim milk and water. Mix the skim milk and water at a 1:9 ratio, the one part being milk. It won't kill it all but it will knock it way back for about a week giving you time to harvest.

Smoking mildew is horrible for your lungs.

Sent from Northern Colorado.
I've heard of washing buds off that have it... never tried it myself.

Someone will be by shortly to post the youtube vid from Jorge, lol.
dude set the bar high and throw that shit out.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure the RH. But I have a 125cfm fan for a room half the recommended size. I will google it but do you know any easy cheap fixes? Also is it still smokable?
Sounds like you need more ventilation (air flow), more circulation too, and lower your humidity (start measuring your temps and humidity). How big is the room/space?

Don't smoke bud with mildew/mold. Mold starts inside the bud, and works it's way out. Chuck it! Sorry.


wow talk about a bummer.....

The risk isnt worth the reward here. Although it looked like a small amount effected i am gonna throw it all away.

What about the younger ladies in the same room.? They are not in as far of flower?

Are they infected as well since its an airborn spore that spreads it?

And if so what are some experienced methods that were effective?

Thank you guys

Please be clear with your responses I am slow


I also was wanting to ask about the room itself. Should i pull everything out and clean it? Is this like a mites problem were i need to bleach everything ?

Mr John

Active Member
I also was wanting to ask about the room itself. Should i pull everything out and clean it? Is this like a mites problem were i need to bleach everything ?

Yes, you are going to clean and sanitize everything. I got bit with PM also. Not sure about bleach though...

I am going to read up on what kills them bastard spores after this post. I think I know what I'll try, it's an iodine solution that brewers use to kill yeast,mold from their equipment. It's pretty much kill on contact, unlike bleach solutions which need. Contact time. Also bleach I think may ruin my tents reflective liner and wreak havoc on plastic.

This is my six grow and first time I got bit with PM, not sure how it happened but all my ladies got it.


Active Member
Pull that bastard from the room as much as it pains you! Don't want the spores traveling to your neighboring plants. If you decide to keep it, chop the affected branch but remember that PM is systemic. The rest of the plant will still have the white "Aids" that all growers fear. For that late in flowering, you want to avoid any harmful foliar sprays. Mix up a bottle of high ph'd water usually 9.5 or higher alkaline wise and spray 15 minutes prior the lights going off every night until you harvest. This won't kill it but prevent it from potentially spreading to the rest of your crop. The high ph on the top of the leaf surface creates an tougher environment for the spores to populate. In college, I assisted a very knowledgable professor with annuals during winter months in botany with great effectiveness using high ph'd water.



Well-Known Member
too far gone man, id say its too warm with too high RH. mold spreads so youre gonna have a bad time. clean clean clean