White fuzz growing on shrooms


New Member
and where can i buy spores ??

the only ones i can find are microscopy use only ?? is this the same as cannabis seeds being souvenirs??


New Member
Since you are a noob I would use BRF cakes via the PF tek.

Also "microscopy use only" is just a legal issue, every spore vendor will say that.

Also here is a list of reliable spore vendors.


I should mention to stay away from Spores101 they are no good.

And don't but those 'mushroom kits' they are a total waste of money.

yeah going to get all the stuff soon .

im watching a grow guide now

do i really need a pressure cooker to avoid germs ???

is there anyway to do this without a pressure cooker ?


Well-Known Member
I assume you were watching the one entitled "How to grow magic mushrooms" That video has a bunch of outdated info.

But with the PF tek you don't need a PC. You can steam sterilize with a pot and water which is covered in the video link I posted earlier.


Active Member
And don't but those 'mushroom kits' they are a total waste of money.
Another thing I have to butt heads with you about. I purchased a medium sized Equadorian grow system from the Dam for only 35EU and it's worked awesome. Told me i'd get 200-300 grams wet and it's accurate. On it's 5th flush and still going.


Well-Known Member
Another thing I have to butt heads with you about. I purchased a medium sized Equadorian grow system from the Dam for only 35EU and it's worked awesome. Told me i'd get 200-300 grams wet and it's accurate. On it's 5th flush and still going.
You can buy canning jars,a plastic tote(terrarium), verm, perlite, BRF,foil, and a light bulb for under 30 US dollars.
If you can buy the supplies yourself it is way cheaper to do that then buying a overpriced grow kit.
"Fuzz" Is not caused from high humidity. It is the stalk turning into aerial mycelium. Also you do not need 99% humidity for cubensis when doing anything other than pftek "Half Pint Cakes". Anything over 90 is sufficient.

Prime example "Lets see if I upload this right lol"
Sorry about the shitty quality, but notice no aerial myc and the greenhouse never dropped below 95% and had constant fae due to a homemade humidifier sitting outside the tent and being piped in. Notice the thick meaty stem.

Then you have this.
My fogger died and I didn't have any extras so I had to put a humidifier inside the greenhouse with them. Kept above 95%, but since I am rarely home I could only exchange fae once a day. Notice how they are long and skinny and not meaty at all.

The three main pinning triggers are evaporation, fresh air, and full colonization. Light is one of the many secondary pinning triggers. Most def. not the main pinning trigger. The reason it pinned were you put a hole was because the jar was fully colonized and was going to start pinning anyway. You just added a secondary trigger in that spot to aid.

Anyways to be more useful to the OP. If you get the FAE under control you will increase your yields.

Edit- Damn took a couples mins to write that post and the thread went 2 pages. lol


Active Member
"Fuzz" Is not caused from high humidity. It is the stalk turning into aerial mycelium. Also you do not need 99% humidity for cubensis when doing anything other than pftek "Half Pint Cakes". Anything over 90 is sufficient.

Prime example "Lets see if I upload this right lol"
View attachment 2693003
Sorry about the shitty quality, but notice no aerial myc and the greenhouse never dropped below 95% and had constant fae due to a homemade humidifier sitting outside the tent and being piped in. Notice the thick meaty stem.

Then you have this.
View attachment 2693009
My fogger died and I didn't have any extras so I had to put a humidifier inside the greenhouse with them. Kept above 95%, but since I am rarely home I could only exchange fae once a day. Notice how they are long and skinny and not meaty at all.

The three main pinning triggers are evaporation, fresh air, and full colonization. Light is one of the many secondary pinning triggers. Most def. not the main pinning trigger. The reason it pinned were you put a hole was because the jar was fully colonized and was going to start pinning anyway. You just added a secondary trigger in that spot to aid.

Anyways to be more useful to the OP. If you get the FAE under control you will increase your yields.

Edit- Damn took a couples mins to write that post and the thread went 2 pages. lol
Holy shit dude that first mushie is HUGE. What was the dry weight on that puppy?
Don't know it has been several months. I want to say around 15 grams dry. It was from my last grow I isolated some clusters and every once in a while it will throw out a boomer instead of a cluster. That one actually grew upside down in the greenhouse lol. I don't use trays I just let the blocks sit on the shelf and let them grow out of all 6 sides.
Like I said in my last post I don't use trays. I use bags to colonize them. I use about 2 lbs of coir and 1lb of hydrated straw per bag with 2 quarts of wbs spawn. So they are roughly 4.5 lb blocks when everything is said and done.
Once they are done I just cut the bag away and sit them on the shelves.


Well-Known Member
You are misinformed.
From RR himself.

Also light is a secondary pinning trigger the three main ones are full colonization, FAE and Evaporation off of the substrate.

Stamets is correct, roger is wrong, sorry. Full colonization, light, reduction in CO2 and a reduction in temperature.


Well-Known Member
Obviously not.

He claimed white fuzz is a sign of high humidity when in fact it's a sign of not enough fresh air exchange. He also claimed light is the main pinning trigger which is outdated information and is a secondary pinning trigger.

If you want accurate and up to date information I suggest you go to the Shroomery's cultivation forum...

specificly, you are correct, light is secondary as full colonization comes first but light is indeed a potent trigger. You will rarely get pins in colonies that have not yet reached the extent of their available nutrients.

You failed to mention an extreme reduction in CO2 as trigger, from 5000 ppm or above to ambient, or between 400 and 600 ppm.

so far as the areal mycelial growth - we are simply talking about two sides of the sam thing. Fresh air exchange tends to reduce RH but it is the high RH that results in that fuzz - hence, if there is no exchange, the RH goes up and so does the fuzz - also the fuzz is partialy land race related.