white haired balls?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely a hermie. Mine wasn't like that at all. It had only one male looking part(not clusters) where each female part would normally be. It ended up growing normal buds because it was a female, but was really hard to identify in the beginning. Some hermies can be grown and harvested, as long as you're able to keep an eye on it and pick off all the seed pods, and those little yellow banana-looking things(can't remember what they're called) before they release any pollen. I just harvested one like that, and all the other females are fine, with no seeds. It's a real pain-in-the-ass though, so be prepared if you plan to try it.

EDIT: Too late, that other member beat me too it.LOL


Well-Known Member
just read the rest.. cngrats its a girl..

Hmmm.....I'm confused now. I assumed that there were pod 'clusters', after the OP said that his looked like those pics, which would indicate a hermie.

Inquiring minds need to know....are there pod clusters, or single pods?


Well-Known Member
sorry could be.. im wasted on pain meds and cancer drugs plus some booze.. ill check back in the morning and read wit a sober mind.. if i was wrong sorry bro got alot goin on right now


Active Member
dude thats definately a hermi or intersexed oir whatever they wanna call it. females do not have big ass balls like that......

Dale Kid

theres no seed clusters. my mate just pulled a male and mine is nothing like his was. ive had a hermie from an grow outside and it was the EXACT same seed as this one! and i know its 100% different. this plant looks nothing like ive seen before.


Well-Known Member
It's likely another hermie then, if the seeds came from one. Two seeds from the same plant don't produce identical plants. Just like people have kids that look different from each other, so do pot plants. I have 4 Velvet Kush plants growing from seed, and they range from tall and semi-stringy, to short compact and bushy. I didn't know that either, so i ended up taking clones from only two of them, and didn't get any from the one I wanted to keep. Doh! LOL

Eh, didn't matter because Crystal is probably going to be the winner anyway. Man, does that thing look awesome:)


Active Member
thats a hermie man. my plant looked exactly like that. male parts are suppose to open up and release pollen, they also have hairs too. and, female pistols will could also come out of a male flower if it is a hermie. that's what mined did.


Well-Known Member
theres no seed clusters. my mate just pulled a male and mine is nothing like his was. ive had a hermie from an grow outside and it was the EXACT same seed as this one! and i know its 100% different. this plant looks nothing like ive seen before.
the reason you dont recognize it cuz its a male dominant genetic hermie, very rare. seeds dont form yet, your balls havent popped yet. within a month you'll start to see the seeds


Well-Known Member
Damn, why didn't someone tell me that all you had to do was click on the pics, and they would become full sized?LOL

Good job with the edited pic. It should help him in the future too.

Dale Kid

i really dont know! i planted 9 seeds and got 9 sprouts. 1 ended up dieing ,1 turned hermie, 2 were male, 3 are now bushies and these 2 hydros. the hermie i had is NOTHING!!!! like this one, if it is one. thats the only reason why i wont believe it. if them balls didnt open out i would chop it. but we shall see.

thanks heaps for all of your comments and ideas! i will let you know how it all goes and what the end result is. happy growing everyone, cheers:)


Active Member
im sorry but you have to face the fact you didnt get some random new female marijuana plant that grows big ass balls and is female :P but live and learn i guess have fun with the pollen and seeds