White Hairs Burning


Well-Known Member
ive noticed that the buds on my plant,
there white hairs are starting to turn orange,
my plant is 2 weeks into flowering.
the buds are very small and still need to grow
is this normal
or is it because its too hot in the room?

i dont have a camera right now.


Well-Known Member
if you dont tell the temp or other info
it is hard to say what the problem is.
pics are always good


Well-Known Member
turning orange is ok
100 f
are your leaves tips curling up
you should drop that temp


Well-Known Member
my lights are about 3-4 inches away from the plant
no the leaves are not curling up at all, they look healthy.

i would take a picture bcause i know how useful they are but someone stole my digital camera.

and yeah
i have no way of dropping the temp.
i cant afford a portable ac. right now
and we have a gnarly heat wave right now in southern cali.


Well-Known Member
my lights are about 3-4 inches away from the plant
no the leaves are not curling up at all, they look healthy.

i would take a picture bcause i know how useful they are but someone stole my digital camera.

and yeah
i have no way of dropping the temp.
i cant afford a portable ac. right now
and we have a gnarly heat wave right now in southern cali.
Just a hunch but your light maybe too close.


Well-Known Member
but like
is there any way to cool down a grow room without an air conditioner
i wouldnt imagine there is a way

and my question hasnt been answered
will the white hairs burning cause the plant to become a hermi
or like stop growing
or some shit like that


Well-Known Member
freeze a bunch of 2L bottles and place the stoppers back on.. place 2 in front of the inlet cfan and scatter the rest around inside the growspace... the more that is there the more the temp that will drop...


Well-Known Member
freeze a bunch of 2L bottles and place the stoppers back on.. place 2 in front of the inlet cfan and scatter the rest around inside the growspace... the more that is there the more the temp that will drop...
very clever indeed. +rep, this would save space and be quieter than more fans. gonna give this a go.


Well-Known Member
yeah i did this alot when i was first growing in a smallspace with limited fans and cash...all i used to do was lay them in ashallow bucket tho becaue when they are heated they sweat and the water buildup is plentyful when there is alot of them.. plus if you let the water sit for a few days after you haver fresh water for your plants.. all you'd have to do is add some oxygen to the water with a pump..


Well-Known Member
yeah thats the method i heard
i heard of that a long time ago, and woulcnt find anything on it after that


Well-Known Member
if you have a good intake, hook some 6 inch pvc pipe to the end of your intake and then drop frozen two leeters into it... I used to just freeze them and put them in the room, but it doesn't do much just sitting there... Unless your room is really small... And one of the guys up above said something about them sweating and they will like crazy, but you prob have low humidity right now too and that will help bump your humidity if you don't mind the water on the ground.... My space is sealed, so it doesn't matter. It will dry fast under the heat you are talking about..... Remember, the more 2 liters you have in your tube, the more it will cool your intake air.... And do not place before it runs through the fun, place bottles at the end just before the air enters your room


Well-Known Member
but like
is there any way to cool down a grow room without an air conditioner
i wouldnt imagine there is a way

and my question hasnt been answered
will the white hairs burning cause the plant to become a hermi
or like stop growing
or some shit like that
Get a couple of small clip on fans. ($10 per) That'll help a lot.


Well-Known Member
freeze a bunch of 2L bottles and place the stoppers back on.. place 2 in front of the inlet cfan and scatter the rest around inside the growspace... the more that is there the more the temp that will drop...
Thats a good idea man. I never thought of that:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
what i did to cool my hps is get a USB chord, and go to compusa or some computer store and buy cheap computer fans.. like the $1.50 ones... and wire it to the usb.. so when your computer is on you can just run your fans and it cools shit down..


Well-Known Member
would like to see pictures of this... How close is your comp to your lights..... Most people just wire those fans to cell chargers or if you are running a lot, they run off of laptop batteries quite well... I want to see pics of the comp set-up though


from what it sounds like to me (and from experience); i would say you are frying them with the nutes.... high temps arent helping but if the rest of the plant isnt showing any signs of heat stress, i would look into your feeding.... what are you feeding, how much, how often?? but past 100 is def waay too hot... could be your problem, but idk, as i have never pushed my plant to those extremes... you want to shoot for 75-85 degrees.... at those temps the plant is putting most of its energy into cooling down and staying alive... not much growing/budding is gonna go on in those conditions....


Well-Known Member
its running from my laptop through the usb, through some 16gauge speaker wire for the car i never used, to my closet to the fan to cool the hps.

even with the long distance the power has to travel it still puts out a lot of air, to keep the hps right on the top of the plants at 72avg degrees.

i ghetto rigged it by taking bamboo scuers and snapping them duct taping them so they hold an L shape and put the fan on it, the scuers are attached to the ballast by duct tape again.. i dont personally care how my grow room looks if it works.. btw the walls are scrued up cuz i put a space blanket up then decided to take it down, then decided fuck it put it back up and see if anything bad happens, so its missing a part right there..

anyway it works good for me, much less power used compared to that giant fan in pic 2:roll:
