White hairs but no "buds", 3 weeks flowering under cfl's.


Active Member
Is it too late to tie down the taller plant? Would it benefit her or is it too late. I dont have that much more room in the closet, lol to let her get much taller unless I modify the closet. Also once I get the hps and hang it over them the shorter indica is gonna furrher away from the light since i'll have to hang it higher over the tall sativa...not the best planning but first time grow learning as I go.


Well-Known Member
not too sure about the ph of filter water, but if you can find out theres ton of products that can adjust itwith even light coverage and good penetration tying down can be beneficial vavt this itme.ive tied down too-tall plants at later stages, some might say itll stress her too much but sometimes you gotta handle biz and force a solution.the bend i went for sort of made it look like a half arch,i had to be Very careful but if the stem isnt too hard you should be able to do without splintering the stalk.higher near the top it should get more flexible


Active Member
Hmmm, I dunno, but I thought the seed pods swelling was a good thing...instead of a a seed formong it fills with thc...


Well-Known Member
it is a good thing,but it comes as the plant matures.also the the pistils drying up and receding is her maturing too,at the same time she is the frostiest shes ever been.some just never cut late enough to see it though


Active Member
Okay I just saw where you said youve lst'd before at this stage. Im scaeed to do it but I think ill try. I just recjeved my hps so I need more room height wisw. Will bending into an arch stop it from getting any taller at all? I guess it it will get taller jyst slower.


Well-Known Member
It will grow on the cola section toward the light wherever it is,also whatever side of the bud site the lights penetrating on the buds will develop more(kinda goes w/o sayin)i can post some pics of how the hst(i think at this point its high or med. stress training) went before you bend if youd like.either way if its a beneficial move we cant ask for much more.


Active Member
I got my new light! I left all the 42watters and all the 23watters in there and installed the 150hps above, the cfls on sides. So excited to see what happens. I may not need to lst at all, the light is hung from a bar high enough from them. It should be fime unless she takes off.


Active Member
last grow, i went from a 600 hps, to a 1000. took down my four large cfls, and rear shop lights. my two main keepers, are bc godbud, and jack herer. both are nice. seeds make me ill. lots of nanners. lol.


Well-Known Member
read uncle buck's gardening tips, forget the zero N ferts... its crock science, plants need some N throughout. I have LSTed 2m tall trees before, deep into flowering. If anything it increased the yield...

All except the branch with roots on was from that same plant...


Well-Known Member
How close\far should my hps light be from plants?

back with my first 150 i had my girls as close as 6" and as far as 12"but the farther you get away from 1 ft the chunkier the amount of lumens you lose is going to be.im sure it couldve been done better but i got some sized thick thick buds from that little hps.

these pics are from my first grow.she was only 2 ft tall,and 6 weeks flower when these were shot so imagine what your larger girl can do with the right care:weed:
oh yeah are you gonna use those cfl's for side lighting where the 150 wont penetrate?or just kind of angle the reflector?


Active Member
Yea I have lefty all the cfls in there except one. I think I need to lower the hps a little or raise the plants some. Its just tbat afraid the light is to hot...im gonna have to get a stronger fan I think.