we have squaters all over in vacant homes . the food banks are running out of food to feed the poor hungry.The market must be allowed to work housing prices must drop banks must be liquidated anything else is folly. You say the recession will get worse show me one recession that got better from higher taxes or more regulation? The great depression?? NO it was prolonged by 15 years because of FDR. Nobody ever talks about the depression of 1921 because the government did nothing to fix it. It was over by '22. The government can't effectivly control the market, it can't create wealth from nothing, It can't prop the value of your house up, it just can't. Not only can it not do these things it shouldn't even try it has no authority to do this. It has no authority to alter lawful contracts either.
Does Hooverville shanties ring any bells. The whole mall in DC was covered in tents and makeshift shelters, the result of doing nothing when the shit hit the fan. What caused this depression was in fact de-regulation that let the bankers and stock brokers gamble with high risk mortgages. Then, AIG guaranteed them and when the bubble burst, it took down the whole shiteree. The recession/depression was building for 2-3 years because the Bush regime didn't make any effort to control the out of control assholes on wall street that were raking in billions on false assumptions.
Now we finally get someone that is willing to step up and try and fix this pile of crap, and all you conservatives can do is yell, "he's taxing us out of existence". The truth is those assholes on wall street that are sitting in mega-million dollar mansions are the guys you should be yelling at. Tell those assholes to give back their booty and we could solve this dillema overnight.
there are family's living in the same home. some times three or more familys . so your not going to see the obamavilles you talk about as much.
the real unemeployment rate is pushing 20%. we are already in a depression .
the media and the government just refuse to tell you the truth and let you know about it.