White mold on leaves

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
I have noticed growers having issues with mold/mildew in basements. Basements can harbor this problem because of an underground climate with poor ventilation (no windows/doors). If I had my choice of where to grow inside, I would go as high in the home as possible. In other words, grow on the upper story, up and away from a closed in situation like a basement, where you can constantly open windows and doors for fresh air. Also, powdery mildew can be brought inside from outside plants, so be careful when tending to outdoor gardens.


Well-Known Member
I had a problem with over crowding myself. Although I spotted some PM on a plant a day ago, I believe increasing the size of my room is what has cut down on it for me as there is less over crowding happening. I think the reason I have PM now is because I forgot to plug my heater back in and the temps dropped to 31.6 degrees over night which caused the humidity to jump up to 45% after the heater was plugged back in. The next day the humidity was back to 24% with a temp of 75.4 Degrees.

Good luck with your battle! It can be a tough one..
Yup, discovered that my fan wasn't running either because it was hooked in to the timers. So that could have been an issue in my case as well. Not enough circulation. Bought and used Serenade. All is looking good and I have about 2 weeks to go until harvest.