white mold


Well-Known Member
white mold on fan leaf of clone aproximatley 3 weeks old. :?: doubt it but could this be from varying temperature quite often? had house ants under neath one of the pots, few days of terro and they were all gone. if an ant ate the terro, crawled into the pot, and died, and got watered...white mold? very concerned because the mold just happened to be on the ONE plant of this special hybrid...im thinkin maybe its new and suseptable to disease? idk. please give me some feedback...


white mold on fan leaf of clone aproximatley 3 weeks old. :?: doubt it but could this be from varying temperature quite often? had house ants under neath one of the pots, few days of terro and they were all gone. if an ant ate the terro, crawled into the pot, and died, and got watered...white mold? very concerned because the mold just happened to be on the ONE plant of this special hybrid...im thinkin maybe its new and suseptable to disease? idk. please give me some feedback...
Pictures would help, but if your afraid of mold, put a fan on those lil niggas and the mold problem should be prevented.


Active Member
Pictures would help, but if your afraid of mold, put a fan on those lil niggas and the mold problem should be prevented.
That's a bad idea because that will just blow airborne spores all over infecting a way larger area. You need to spray it right before the light comes on or before it turns off with a safe fungicide, acidic water mixture, or diluted hydrogen peroxide. Diluted milk or vinegar will work as a strong enough acid to kill the mold. Spray it as soon as you can before it spreads. Also some of these sprays can burn your leaves or cause damage if you don't dilute them correctly, be careful.


Active Member
I hear wonderful things about a milk mixture. Don't forget to spray all of the plants, not just the infected, hell spreay the entire room. Come back later and spray it down with plain water, or you willl get a super funky smell though. Make sure you have the fan like he said though, or the cleaning of the spray will cause more mold.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
def use a fungicide right away, and like some one said spray all plants IMO 2 hours before lights go on. then make sure your fans r blowing around and on the plants to help dry them. u could also burn sulfer 3 days in a row for 2 1/2 hours a day. id spray with fungacide though. plenty of stuff out there. good luck, u will beat this.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
like little circle spots,almost a shadowing spot. some times really hard to see in some lighting. ya and some times like dusting spots.


Active Member
reason i ask is i have some spots on my leaves like a small dusting of like babypowder looking area i cut them all off today.


Well-Known Member
Any white on your leaf is a fungus or mildew, unless of course it is sugar.. :) I like to use H2O2 (food service strength) mixed with water to directly spot treat. After you remove the spot, get the air moving in there, lower the humidity. If you are lucky, you caught it early. If you are unlucky, more spores came along for the ride.... if you bought clones, call dispensary and alert them.... ( like they don't already know :) )


Well-Known Member
Got some Safer Brand Garden Fungicide. to late to apply today, gotta wait till tomorrow. dont think its contagious, but really dont know. it has been on this plant for a about 3 or 4 days now. at first wasnt sure if it was mold. butt...its growing gettting biggerr, so..assuming its mold of some kind. there 3 small patches of it on 3 different leaves on this plant. have had a fan going on them since day 1. as far as i can see, nothing has spread to any other plants. will apply fungicide tomorrow.


like little circle spots,almost a shadowing spot. some times really hard to see in some lighting. ya and some times like dusting spots.
What you're describing here is almost certainly the dreaded Powdery Mildew, not white mold. once you see the first circle your plant has been infected at least two weeks. PM blast shreds the stuff tho.


If it's powdery mildew, and not white mold you can easily manage it with a foliar baking soda sollution i usually mix at 15:1 (15 parts water one baking soda) this will change the leaf ph to 7 which kills and inhibits most molds and mildews. just make sure to rinse the leaves with a strait water foliar spray before you apply more of the baking soda..


Well-Known Member
You've been around the block before.....

Welcome to RIU!! :) Glad to have ya here.

If it's powdery mildew, and not white mold you can easily manage it with a foliar baking soda sollution i usually mix at 15:1 (15 parts water one baking soda) this will change the leaf ph to 7 which kills and inhibits most molds and mildews. just make sure to rinse the leaves with a strait water foliar spray before you apply more of the baking soda..


Active Member
Any white on your leaf is a fungus or mildew, unless of course it is sugar.. :) I like to use H2O2 (food service strength) mixed with water to directly spot treat. After you remove the spot, get the air moving in there, lower the humidity. If you are lucky, you caught it early. If you are unlucky, more spores came along for the ride.... if you bought clones, call dispensary and alert them.... ( like they don't already know :) )
got them from a buddy they were not like that when i got them and they are a good 6 weeks old now,just started c ing it a couple days ago


Well-Known Member
reason i ask is i have some spots on my leaves like a small dusting of like babypowder looking area i cut them all off today.
Meet your new worst enemy; powdery mildew. She's a bitch, and if you see it on the leaves it's already inside of the plant. The white spots you see are just it's blooms, you can't totally kill it at this point, but you can control it. Lower humidity, increase air exchange and circulation, treat with potassium bicarbonate solution immediately. Milk works too. You need to raise the surface pH of your leaves, which is what many fungicides do. Good luck.