White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
good, but this is MUCH better. and so much closer to what spaghetti noodle would endure if he took his nazi game out nto the real world.

Yeah that is a good one. I like how he backed him into that cut and used the uppercut to open him up for the devastating right cross. Old ass fool needed a lesson.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
I was bussed to a "black" highschool with a bad reputation my freshman year during "integration" in 1971 instead of going to the closer "white" highschool my mother and father both attended- I'm a little pissed about that
I didn't really experience race-related problems to speak of, I used to get high with some black dudes with big afros out behind the auto shop, I remember one guy saying "that little white boy is a trip!" lol
I was one of two white kids in the marching band and we did the "breakdown" during one of our songs and I once overheard someone say "that white boy can dance!" other than that my whiteness was not really addressed.
Other white kids had problems though, mostly bigger kids that were kind of alpha males in the white schools, but I was tiny and bookish so I kinda flew under the radar.


Well-Known Member
So you're saying that you were treated well at a black school but the people at the white school were a bunch of pricks. So you're not oppressed, because oppression is mainly a thing that white folx do. That's privilege, white kids can go to black schools with no problems, but black kids get picked on at white schools.

Why are the schools even separated like that? Fuckin savage ass ypipo just plain evil.


Well-Known Member
That's not what I said at all o_O

It seems like you're more interested in race-baiting than in any sort of honest discourse so I'll take my leave of your thread now.
But that's exactly what you said. You made it quite clear in your dumb little story that you're not oppressed and that you are quite privileged.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
some times when i meet knew people of color they have attitude with me until they see i'm nice. come to think of it that happens with most new people.
What kind of discrimination have you faced? I want to know about your first hand stories of how hard it has been for you being a white guy.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Ahh violence. Cause might makes right!
kick you in the face punch you in the chin.

_*** ________I’m sorry_________***_
__***________To Hear________***__
___***______You Have_______***___