Well-Known Member
You'll be busy I have many.
including your limp, lifeless dick
You'll be busy I have many.
You'll be busy I have many.
including your limp, lifeless dick
Lacking a prostate and a red pill that's simply a challenge. It's definitely not a "shortcoming". Do you like the blue pill?
Do you prematurely ejaculate often?
your erection is less natural than homosexuality, which your party wants to make illegal (take that, sharia)
then your wife left your worthless nazi ass and you will die alone.I fathered children naturally so I know the meaning of the word.
then your wife left your worthless nazi ass and you will die alone.
i didn't have to assume, you told us of your inability to get a woman (or an erection) half a decade ago.Naturally you would think that.
Did you just assume my divorce status?
Check your privelege!
Guess who had custody of the children?
i didn't have to assume, you told us of your inability to get a woman (or an erection) half a decade ago.
i bet your wife left you for some dark meat.Well now who do you think was awarded custody?
i bet your wife left you for some dark meat.
not my fault everyone who made that bet with me got mysteriously banned. just a coincidence, like that meeting don junior had with the russian spies.Rephrase the statement. You're banished from ever using the word bet.
Most bald headed men suffer from this.What kind of discrimination have you faced? I want to know about your first hand stories of how hard it has been for you being a white guy.
Nope, I didn't say that. I didn't hear anybody say that.Has anyone mentioned how White Men get raked in child support courts? Nobody expects minorities to actually pay child support. White men, those MFers get bent over by the courts to compensate.
Anyone say that?
take a lot of courage to stand up and point the finger at minorities for oppressing white men who are too irresponsible to take care of their own children and have to be mandated by a court of law to do soNope, I didn't say that. I didn't hear anybody say that.
Poor oppressed gringo has to endure the roasting of his rightwing hero while he pays child support...Juan who?
Oh.. Rawn Pawl.