white pistols dying??


Active Member
I am about 2 weeks into 12/12 plants were tied down and the tops are starting to look good...

What would cause the pistols from the middle of the plant down to begin to shrivel or turn brown like they are dying?? not enough water or nutes, I water every other day or so 5 gallon pots nutes about every 8 -10 days. 1000 watt sodium.

I just dont want whatever the problem is to travel upwards.



Well-Known Member
Welcome Jaymoney
They are supposed to do this.
The plant is maturing and getting closer and closer to the end of it's life.

Have you seen growfaq up top on the left?
Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
this aint the same as your problem but mine turn brown and shrivled when i pollenated the lower braches but yaeh its normal when no more white ones r growing thats bad


Well-Known Member
Did you spray them with anything like mite killer or some such stuff? Stuff like SAFERS Soap will kill the pistils if the plant is in bud.


Well-Known Member
i have a simialr problem. my stigmas (white hairs at the nodes are turning brown. but i still ahve new ones coming in that are still white.


Active Member
i have a simialr problem. my stigmas (white hairs at the nodes are turning brown. but i still ahve new ones coming in that are still white.
Me too. Is it a problem or is it normal? I have an outdoor plant. I thought the new growth was coz we've had some sunny days here. But that can't explain the same happening indoor.