White pollups on stem


Well-Known Member
Ive got white pollups that have formed on my main stem. I read that spraying the plant with water with baking soda in it will help kill the "mold" but I still don't know for sure what they are. Also one main cola has browning leaves with a few others on the other colas.



Well-Known Member
its not mold.. its normal growth. i see that on alot of sativa's
mold there would be from high moisture anyway. watering less would help with the mold. let it dry out


Well-Known Member
I have the same thing on one of my dirt plants and it is very healthy, I thought it was just trying to grow roots.
I have the same thing on one of my dirt plants and it is very healthy, I thought it was just trying to grow roots.

kinda crazy also have the same going for me not on the stem like u do but on the very bottom of the stem i had like a white spot which i am positive it was mold or some kind of fungus i kept removing it with a q-tip and replaced the rez water with water and h2o2 for 24 hours then switched back to regular water with nutes hopefully it did some good as a few of my leaves have indication that the whole plant has already been induced so we'll c where it takes us


Well-Known Member
kinda crazy also have the same going for me not on the stem like u do but on the very bottom of the stem i had like a white spot which i am positive it was mold or some kind of fungus i kept removing it with a q-tip and replaced the rez water with water and h2o2 for 24 hours then switched back to regular water with nutes hopefully it did some good as a few of my leaves have indication that the whole plant has already been induced so we'll c where it takes us
Yeah you have mold from watering too much.. the bumps in the above picture are normal. the bumps almost turn to a bark in time.


Active Member
Very helpful information. If i get this what should i do, and to further get a direct answer how do i prevent this from happening?
Yeah you have mold from watering too much.. the bumps in the above picture are normal. the bumps almost turn to a bark in time.
should the h202 i tryed work or do u have any other sugestions on to cureing the problem ? any info greatly appreciated im useing a ag with the pump turned off with a bubblestone just clueless on the watering too much isssue as its a dwc style


Well-Known Member
u just want things dry above the neoprene collars. maybe a fan? make sure the mist is contained in the chamber/res.

if dwc then the water level maybe to high,..