White Powder on leaves???


Well-Known Member
i need some help my plants are showing some white powder and its not resins its just some small spots of white powder you can rub it off with your finger but i have just been chopping the leaves and some how some others end up getting white powder :( i dont know what to do if i should just keep chopping them or just cut down the plant before the powder gets on the buds...

here is a link to my thread with close up pics of the powder



Active Member
So that is mold. Umm never had it but I'm sure there's a way to battle it. but a quick look says it can be caused by the following :
Damp or high humidity
Crowded plant area
Poor air circulation
All of which sound like a oscillating fan would help.
now it says what to do to combat it:
do what your doing by removing infected areas.
Improve air circulation
Dont fert until the problem in eradicated
dont water the plants from above. (I guess jam the watering can down in the soil)
Last but not least apply fungicide. Hope your not close to flower. Do all the above and wait a week. Then start as normal with more air circulation. I hope I helped.
and after a reread of my thread I wouldnt use any foliar spray even if its just water either. Just makes sense though.


Well-Known Member
If its not the Powdery mold.. its a heavy infestation of mites laying alot of WEBS, which appears like a white cottony patch

Nilla Ice

It sounds most likely like your plants have contracted Powdery Mildew. This mildew is closet releated to the fungal family. Powdery Mildew spores are in the air naturally and only really become a problem when conditions are right for the mildew spores to land and grow. Powdery mildew thrives in an environment that is acidic, has temps of 60-70 degrees and has a realive humidity greater than 50%.

With this in mind, the best way to get rid of powdery mildew is to change the environment. The big thing here is to drop the humidity. Spores and current mildew will not surrive with conditions under 40% humidity. If the humidity cannot be lowered, I like to use a cinnamon foliar spray. Cinnamon works as a natural fungacide and will actively control and eliminate PM in the garden. Using 2 small cinnamon sticks per gallon of water, boil any desired amount for one hour. The mixture is cooled and then used as a foliar spray. You should see results very quickly.

Here's an article for further reading: http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/articles/2250.html

Hope this helps and good luck


Well-Known Member
Its powdery mildew,I'd trashit.Or you can use a sulfur burner,lower humidity,increase airflow,keep your ph on check.


Well-Known Member
do u have a pix. ive seen it many times. My sister gets it due to high humdity in her grow area. How far along r ?


Well-Known Member
this plant i speak of did not get it from my place... its my sisters.. its in the backyard and has it

Nilla Ice

I have a OLDDD plant with it. Its not near my other plants but how CONTAIGEOUS is it?
Powdery Mildew is really not contagious, as it is not a plant disease. Powdery mildew spores are in the air all the time everywhere. It is only when correct environmental conditions are met for powdery mildew spores to germinate and cause a problem. Unfortunately, a lot of indoor gardens are perfect environments for powdery mildew. I wouldn't suggest placing your infected plants near healthy plants, but as long as the environment is kept unfavorable for mildew, it will not grow.


Well-Known Member
I can't find your pix, If they r in veg. use eagle 20 (never in flower) that with kill it forever!!!! But wear a mask! lol Bad ass shit. But Sulfur works, most common. Burn it or spray. Sorry feel for ya. hope u get it under control, I always sulfer burn for precaution, especially in summer, my neighbors had it on their cucumbers & pumkin leafs. Good luck & Happy growing.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
PM may become systemic, w/ some strains more than others, then all cuts off those develop PM as well. once a plant is infected unless it is somehow sterilized (w/ a fungicide if necessary) it will most likely develop further PM, as well as its progeny... How easy can re-infection occur if only some of the enviro-probs have been corrected? low RH (good), too low temps (not good), jumps in temps (not good), as well as, substantial air-circulation are all key... How long do the previous PM spores remain viable? doesn't most PM come from cuts from a club or friend, and also fresh air intake (spores) from an outside landscape?

Considering Future Preventatives: Essential Oils as a foliar treatment, also azamax/neem type hort oil. + SM-90 (has Coriander) + Cinnamon (stick, or oil?) not as sure about: milk + green cure + neutral non scented soap. Also, will b starting from seed more often and not getting outside cuttings. anyone been there?


Well-Known Member
My plants had it for awhile but i just kept whipeing it off with a damp cloth and then it never came back. This also helps with spider mites for a temp fix till u get something to kill.