White rhino 4 weeks into flowering - does not look healthy!


Active Member
I think the pics say it all really, the plants been like this since I put it into flowering,

I've been feeding 1 a week with 2 part vitalink formula at weak strength, bud growth seems to have been good but not spectacular and theres plenty of trich's being produced.

Basically have I got anything to worry about?I have given her a flush with a weak feed on the final gallon 2 days ago and the problem hasn't got any better or worse.

Is it worth flushing again with canna-flush? or shall I just continue with plain water or my feeding regime?

The plant itself started its life in a tent which suffered from 'off-gassing' so I'm surprised it got this far! I don't know if it's root system has been compromised as a result.

Hope someone can help!


Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
that is a Nute burn. You cant feed it once a week... it has to be once every two weeks! thats why the tips of leaves are yellow. classic sign of an overdose.just feed water till they get there color back and slowly introduce them back to nutes.
that is a Nute burn. You cant feed it once a week... it has to be once every two weeks! thats why the tips of leaves are yellow. classic sign of an overdose.just feed water till they get there color back and slowly introduce them back to nutes.
u can fert much more regular than that!!
u just need to feed week, dont use to higher dose thats all, if u feed 1 every 2weeks ul have much smaller less potent buds!!!!! good luck


Active Member
I think the tent of death has made the plants more susceptible to nute overdoses.

Right before I flowered her I repotted into coco mix which apparently has enough nutes for 2-4 weeks, she went yellow almost immediately.

I have some canna-flush so I might try giving her a rinse with that and then building her up again, rhino is a long flowering strain so she has over 8 weeks left to go.


Active Member
if ur using soil with ferts dont use ur own ferts for a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u WILL burn her otherwise, when u do start start very low!!!!
Like I said, its been about a month since i repotted now and she was flushed 2 days ago. I'll prob try at 1/4 strength next time I water and see how I go from there.


Well-Known Member
Man, that can be any number of things. What are your temps and what is the PH of your water?


Well-Known Member
It can be anything, but dose look like nurturance burn. I think you are loving your plant way too much. give her some time to recuperate, and she will be back on track. Expect her flowering cycle to be kicked back a couple of weeks. Over feeding brings the flower growth to a screeching halt (most of the time). Don’t flush again you will really fuck her up then. Fuller feed and water with ph corrected water. Make sure her soil gets good and dry, almost to the point to where to leaves droop, and then give her a good watering. For the fuller feeding, just add a pinch of MG, and some Iron, and maybe one drop of thrive alive and the plant will be a lot better. Just fuller one time and that is almost like eating chicken soup when you’re sick. Good luck.:peace:


Active Member
temps is 20-25c atm and water PH is in the safe level, im not sure of the exact figure cos all ive got is the capsule things. I think the problem stems from a tent i had them in which was giving off gasses. the roots looked brown and shrivelled when i repotted them before flowering and growth and water uptake hasn't been what i would have expected. I have some alaskan ice which are looking beautiful and have never seen the tent.

I was just wondering if there was anything i could do to get this one to look a bit healthier.


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like off-gassing. Which tent did you have by the way?

It does look like a little nute burn, but mostly I see the yellow leaves from the off-gassing. It should recover now that you got it outta there.

Any pics of the tent?


Active Member
Looks to me like off-gassing. Which tent did you have by the way?

It does look like a little nute burn, but mostly I see the yellow leaves from the off-gassing. It should recover now that you got it outta there.

Any pics of the tent?
It was a hydrogarden mini grow, http://www.hg-hydroponics.co.uk/hydrogarden-skinny-grow-tent---76cmx76cmx18m-345-p.asp,

I emailed hydro about the issue and they waited a month or so before sending me an email back denying all knowledge of the issue and stating they had testing procedures in place that prevented this kinda thing from happening in the first place.

I managed to get the shop where I bought it from to return it for me and am currently awaiting a nice silver lined tent.

to be fair although the leaves look a bit fucked the bud development doesn't seem to have retarded at all.

Or maybe it has, that tent killed LOADS of my seedlings and 3 mature cheese plants before I worked out what was wrong! I spent a small fortune on bit of crap to adjust the environment and alternative lighting methods all to no avail.


Well-Known Member
It was a hydrogarden mini grow, http://www.hg-hydroponics.co.uk/hydrogarden-skinny-grow-tent---76cmx76cmx18m-345-p.asp,

I emailed hydro about the issue and they waited a month or so before sending me an email back denying all knowledge of the issue and stating they had testing procedures in place that prevented this kinda thing from happening in the first place.

I managed to get the shop where I bought it from to return it for me and am currently awaiting a nice silver lined tent.

to be fair although the leaves look a bit fucked the bud development doesn't seem to have retarded at all.

Or maybe it has, that tent killed LOADS of my seedlings and 3 mature cheese plants before I worked out what was wrong! I spent a small fortune on bit of crap to adjust the environment and alternative lighting methods all to no avail.
Man, that sucks. I haven't done a grow through with my tent yet. I'm a bit nervous so I'm just going to use it to flower 6 of my 14 plants first to make sure it doesn't have any problems. It's lined with white on the inside, but I've seen others using this same tent without problems and they claimed it was non-toxic to the plants.

I was aware though when I bought it so at least I know what to look out for.


Well-Known Member
well let me have my say (whether u take my advice or not) its up to you.
Im growing white rhino also and i must say that ur plant is in flowering now so i would not be feeding with 1/4 or 1/2 strength - these plants can easily take a full feeding every other watering! i use bud blood (first week) along with big bud and for the base nutrient i use bio bizz bloom! i must admit there is a slight problem with the yellowing of the leaves but i dont think its nute burn! i think its seems like 'lock out' to me i really cant see if being nute burn - maybe i agree with 1 of the comments about some kind of deficiency maybe mag or zinc - if uve already flushed id just give her time and most of all check the ph of the soil (when u water) u have to check the run off my friend - i have 3 white rhino plants from greenhouse! theyve been VEGGED for almost 10 weeks and i intend on flowering for bout 8-10 weeks - im hoping to get bout 5 ounces off each plant in the end - tell me bout ur soil, ur veg time, u temps, humids, fans? everything bout ur grow and i will help u as much as i possibly can - ive been reading so much books and internet forums ect so if u need any help jus letme know :-) good luck with grow and hit me up if u want any info - WHITE RHINO FOR LIFE!


Well-Known Member
Yeh i think its a defiency rather than nute burn but thats just wot i think - ur buds look ok to be fair - how long did u veg for ? My 3 ladies have been in flowering 2 weeks today and there huge - 1 of them is a beast but i guess thats with me vegging them for so long = u shud still get a nice bit of personal weed from it all - just make sure u dont rush ur flowering time - wot soil are u in? Id have that plant in flowerring bout 10 weeks if im honest