White rhino and s.a.g.e. n' sour grow


Well-Known Member
yes sir you are correct. the sage is a much darker green then the rhino. but that is probably because of the absurd amount of crystals the rhino produces. haha.

but i have some news that i wanted to hold back on until i was 100% sure.

a week ago i found a single flower on the sage. i was able to cut it and pollenate a few spots on both plants. today i was checking things and low and behold i saw what i was looking for. i'll have a nice supply of sage n sour seeds, but also a brand new strain to grow with the cross breeding of the sage and rhino. who knows whats in store.. haha


Well-Known Member
thanks. T minus 13 days till i start cutting. i'll cut most of the rhino, leaving the lower buds intact for a second harvest 1 - 2 weeks later. i'm not sure on the sage tho, from what i read its between 8-10 weeks, which means i'll just have to watch the trichomes with the scope. i'm guessing at least 9 weeks. if anyone has grown thseeds sage n sour speak up!! haha


Well-Known Member
some new pics. the 6 clones in the aerocloner are looking amazing. i pulled out one of the sages to find almost 2 feet of roots dangling. i'm going to build a larger system so when i add the second HID, but for now i want to transplant them to larger net pots. the largest clone, a rhino none the less, has totally wrapped its roots around the "H" shaped pipe that the misters feed from. 3-4 feet of roots. a deeper container will allow these to really take off, they are doing really good even tho i've been giving them 25% solution since they first showed roots after cutting.

a few new bud shots. i hate using the built in flash, but all of my spot lights are being used for other things.. haha. i was able to lower the flash level.

white rhino

sage n sour

the first seeds of a cross breeding! there are a few more pods above the text.


Well-Known Member
Some nice fat plants there dude.
Good journal,i never noticed it before now or i would have looked in before.
Best of luck with your new seeds:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks bud. my journals don't get alot of attention. i kinda fly under the radar.. haha.. or i live in a time zone thats awake when everyone else
in the world is asleep. it took me about a year to get a full SOG system going without breaking the bank. starting with the basics, pick good strains
for SOG(this was later, all grows before were fire bagseeds), speed of hydro and HID lights for flower. the first few grows were ok, i learned alot.
i made back what i put into the system and invested it back into itself and that in time will make the final results better. i added better ph testing
and ppm recording. better air flow with intake fans, carbon filter for odor, ducting to pull heat away from the HID. so all that meant better temp
control and minimum ph/ppm fluctuation. so for my first serious grow, i purchased white rhino seeds online, and had one sage n sour seed from a
friend. took them full cycle and isolated a mother for each and began cloning. to complete the optimal environment i added a co2 injection system.
this is where i'm at now. less then 2 weeks till harvest, clones itching to begin budding... excitement is in the air! oh wait, thats just some white rhino..
haha. i'm baked.


Well-Known Member
Very nice. I have also slowly built up my grow system. your doing a great job. They must smell so nice!!


Well-Known Member
thanks mattso101, the smell is heavenly. i think with this harvest i'll have enough trim to make a decent amount of hash, once i add to it what i've stored in the freezer from past grows. my last attempt went horrible. i'm either going to make ice hash or maybe honey oil? i'll have to look into what works best. any suggestions?


New Member
they look very tasty sloegin, hope you get a few good seeds from this so you can keep this new strain going. lets hope they are quite stable and a good pheno.



Well-Known Member
it's that wonderful time of the year.. well almost. in a few days i will empty the res and begin flushing with ph'd h2o. the rhino is really pulling all its resources into the buds. the sage is still as green as can be. from what i've read, its a 9 week+ strain. enjoy.


New Member
Really nice job sloe. Those strains are so unique looking. The leaves are so dark green and shiny. You are one awesome grower.
I can almost taste those buds myself they look soooo good. :)



Well-Known Member
thanks salt and lacy for stopping by. i'm definitely going pick up an extractor. looks so easy and not as messy or dangerous as other methods.

i'm smoking some of the rhino finally. i cut a top early because i'm so sick of the crappy mids available. i want to get high and not get a headache afterwards... haha. i can tell that having the co2 really improved the buds. they are so dense and tightly packed, like a big skunky corn on the cob.. haha. you can squeeze it and it doesn't compact nearly as much as last grow without co2. i need to change the res out but i'm going out tonight.. maybe in the morning. tomorrow is the start of week 8!


New Member
Oh C02!!!
Right on. Yes I have read that works wonders.

thanks salt and lacy for stopping by. i'm definitely going pick up an extractor. looks so easy and not as messy or dangerous as other methods.

i'm smoking some of the rhino finally. i cut a top early because i'm so sick of the crappy mids available. i want to get high and not get a headache afterwards... haha. i can tell that having the co2 really improved the buds. they are so dense and tightly packed, like a big skunky corn on the cob.. haha. you can squeeze it and it doesn't compact nearly as much as last grow without co2. i need to change the res out but i'm going out tonight.. maybe in the morning. tomorrow is the start of week 8!


New Member
hey sloeginfizz im sure this will be my last message on this site. since the moderaters are pieces of sh it. For some reaon everytime I post now it wont go to new post it will just go to the catagory it in like growjournals. So im gonna go to a new site and leave these clown moderaters. I mean what a joke they are to do that to me Ive never done anything wrong to hurt any one on this site, ive never talked sh it to anyone and they treat me like this fu ck them. im gonna go to marijuanapassions.com they give a shit about there growers and dont pull sh it like this. So sloeginfizz if you want to talk or keep in touch ill be on that site you should check it out.



Well-Known Member
sorry to see ya go salt. i've never had any issues with anyone. you can't really take things seriously on any message board. oh well.

i did a partial harvest today. the rhino tops were done. i was able to re-arrange the bottom buds to refill the netting. maybe another week or 2 till they plump up.

the sage is going strong. its showing very odd flowering traits called "donkey ears". i had to look it up because i've never seen anything like it before. i'll decide in about 10 days wether to go 10 weeks or more. its really packing on the crystals. enjoy.


Well-Known Member
its been a few days since i updated. the rhino has finished air drying. i put what was ready in mason jars. i still have some hanging and some on a screen. guessing over 4 ounces from the single white rhino mother. not to shabby. the sage on the other hand... well is still flowering. i want to make her perfect. all of her leaves are still dark green. no leaves falling off or dying, like what happened to the rhino. i'll take some new pics tomorrow. the other rhino clone that was flowering is looking good. the sage is with in a week of harvest, so i'm flushing both with water since they share the same res. here are some bud shots of the white rhino. packed one up for everyone.. haha




New Member
What you are referring to has nothing to do with the moderators here. Its just a gliche in their system.

Sloe is right. You can't take anything serious here or you'll drive yourself insane. Trust me. I do it to myself all the time.:?
hey sloeginfizz im sure this will be my last message on this site. since the moderaters are pieces of sh it. For some reaon everytime I post now it wont go to new post it will just go to the catagory it in like growjournals. So im gonna go to a new site and leave these clown moderaters. I mean what a joke they are to do that to me Ive never done anything wrong to hurt any one on this site, ive never talked sh it to anyone and they treat me like this fu ck them. im gonna go to marijuanapassions.com they give a shit about there growers and dont pull sh it like this. So sloeginfizz if you want to talk or keep in touch ill be on that site you should check it out.
