White Rhino plants dying!! STRESSFUL, WORRYING TIMES! HELP!!


Well-Known Member
I will move them 2moz into either 3 gallon or 5 gallon tubs! Do you think after 3/4 more feeds with 1/4 strength ill be able to cut these dead dying leaves off the plant?


Well-Known Member
No doubt you can get nice plants out of that size container, just not enough room for roots on a 5 week old vegging plant. I only say to transplant because of your veg time. In that size of container I would have flowered at 3 weeks from seed. I will switch at 6 weeks to get 5 to 8 ounces of each plant. More with longer veg. Only because the size of their containers. I like big plants rather than many.
As for feeding I blasted my ladies at one week old all kinds of goodies, at full strength. White Rhino is a very heavy feeder. I only water e.o. time to avoid medium flushing.
As for your bud blood and bid bud, they are only supplements. You should look into a "base" nutrient for flowering. As for transplanting, trimming dead or alive branches and switching to flower at the same time can really stress those ladies. You dont want the dreaded HERMIE from the female seeds. Givem a nice b1 vitamin before and after transplant. Your leafs look yellow from lack of nitrogen. Might not be dead. Hit them up full strength with Iguana juice, theyll take it. Only trim dead leafs. Fight the good fight.


Well-Known Member
ok ok so here is my plan of action - i am going to flower them 2 weeks from today - when they are around 24'' as this was always my plan as i want a nice size yield! i am going to transplant them 2morrow into either 3 gallon or 5 gallon pots (due to width restrictions in veg room) then i will start feeding them 1/2 strength nutes every other watering!
all i have is iguana juice 'grow' and big bud and bud blood - dont u think these will be sufficient? im going to wait 2 weeks before i switch to flowering as to avioid less stress in a short duration!
If i switch 2moz ok 'transplant' then add new fresh soil to there new pots this should help as it will have fresh nutes in the soil and then 1/2 added nutes when i feed every other watering - i think this is my best shot. do u? transplant 2moz into fresh soil with fresh nutes - then move up to half strength iguana juice grow


Well-Known Member
i mite look into buying a base nute for flowering to add to the bud blood and big bud - so would you cut the dying leafes off after say 3/4 days after they have been transplanted? i kinda want rid of them to be fair - what will happen to the plant if i cut these dying leafes off at the bottom of the plant (just the real bad ones) ? it has to be my best option
transplant into bigger final tubs
change soil to fresh soil with new nutes
move feed up to 1/2 strength every other water
remove dead dying leafs?
wait 2 weeks until i move to flowering

help plz my friend :-)


Well-Known Member
I did forget about nutes in your mix, however they are used up quickly. She can easily handle the organic grow nutes at close to full strength. Bud blood is for starting the flowering phase, only to be used first week. Big bud can be used as a stand alone, but Id get a base nutrient to guard against any kind of deficiencies. Alot of base nutrients supply all kinds of elements not found in a flower 'booster'.


Well-Known Member
you are quick at replies. You can cut them off now and transplant with in a couple days of that. Look out for flowering at 2 feet because they can easily stretch an additional 12 inches, or more. If height is a limitation.


Well-Known Member
no height is not a limitation not when they get into flowering stage - yeh - you think when i wake up 2moz i can cut ALL of the dead dying real yellow leaves off with no problem? will they grow back? will this do the plant much harm? yeh i will buy a base nutrient for flowering i think - which do u recommend? the bio bizz all mix soil should be good for the plants if im also feeding close to full mix iguana juice with them - i will go flowering in 2 weeks today and hopefully by then they shud be all up and running and back to normal if i get rid of the dying brown spotted leaves @ the bottom of the plants. a base nutrient will be a definate i feel after wot uve said - any other tips on the plants? wot do u make of the size and way they are growing? do they look ok? i mite get rid of all dying leaves now and then transplant 2moz or tuesday - wot u think bout that? or cut dying leaves off now and then transplant 2moz ?


Well-Known Member
do u cut off at leaf of do i cut the full stem that is holding the leaf and remove all of it - u no the branch that grows from stem? jus remove all of that - is that not really harmful to the plant?


Active Member
i wouldnt cut the dying leaves off there feeding your plants theyll never get there color bak but there doing there job wen there no longer working they will dry up and die on there own


Well-Known Member
They actually look over watered and with mg lock up. The plants look dwarfed an effect of over water. Is the water catch dish dry when you water? the greyish are symptoms of mg deficiencies.

Best bet is to flush. If your not doing anything out of the usual, then it is likely the soil. Flush start clean, and retry your nute regiment. These plants are still good, your still in veg, and it has time to correct itself.


Well-Known Member
im not doing anything out the usual - just watering every few days when the plants are crusty and very dry - so the grey/browning of the leaves it a mg prob? so what would u advise me to do? im going to re-pot them 2moz into bigger tubs and add brand new soil mix when re-potting i bio bizz all mix soil - then i will start again with the nute cycle (feed every other watering) 1/2 strength!

when you say flush start clean? wot do u mean? im going to veg them for another 2 weeks as i want to get rid of all the problems before i flower them for sure - wot u mean? 'it is likely the soil' i need some one to come along with an in depth solutuon really as this is only my first grow and i just dont have a clue wot to do as a few 'kind' ppl have come up with different ways and ideas so im stil a bit lost - do or dont cut the leaves off that are dying and covered in grey/brown patches? flush? how much? add new soil and re-pot?


Well-Known Member
im going to re pot them into bigger pots and get rid of this old soil and start with fresh soil straight away - also add some dr horbys iguana juice grow at half strength - surely this will be the best plan of action - i think i will wait till the leaves die off as i havnt got rid of them yet!

the fresh soil will have new nutes in it aswell as feeding them every other watering. then wait 2 weeks till flowering under a 600w HPS - the temps and humid is fine - the ph of soil is 7 and the water is left for days to let chlorine evaporate

i sooo hope i can pull this round and get them healthy again - i want a nice side yield and some nice bud :-) - wot u think bout the way im going to handle this? correct any ideas or input bout wot u would do? all help is appreciated


Active Member
you are quick at replies. You can cut them off now and transplant with in a couple days of that. Look out for flowering at 2 feet because they can easily stretch an additional 12 inches, or more. If height is a limitation.
12inches stretch??????? WRONG!!

be carefull because ur plants may well triple in size as mine are right now!!!

they will double at least, for the first 2weeks of flower they will stretch, this is known as the stretching period, if u havnt fed the plant sufficiently up to that point with high nitrogen nutes the plants leaves will beggin to yellow lower down the plant, this is because ur plant is stretching , using the N stored in the leaves thats why i keep using veg nutes until the stretch has finnished then switch to bloom + boost nutes, try it ul like the outcome.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
12inches stretch??????? WRONG!!

be carefull because ur plants may well triple in size as mine are right now!!!

they will double at least, for the first 2weeks of flower they will stretch, this is known as the stretching period, if u havnt fed the plant sufficiently up to that point with high nitrogen nutes the plants leaves will beggin to yellow lower down the plant, this is because ur plant is stretching , using the N stored in the leaves thats why i keep using veg nutes until the stretch has finnished then switch to bloom + boost nutes, try it ul like the outcome.:leaf:
12 inches or more.....
Do you know what strain he is growing? I have grown rhino a half a dozen times. Never had more than a 18 inch stretch. She is an indica, with lots of afghanica heritage.
If your plants triple in height, then you should have figured out that is NOT a good thing.

You def. should not keep giving veg nutes into flowering change... That is the point of bud blood, to INDUCE flowering and increase bud sites.


Active Member
12 inches or more.....
Do you know what strain he is growing? I have grown rhino a half a dozen times. Never had more than a 18 inch stretch. She is an indica, with lots of afghanica heritage.
If your plants triple in height, then you should have figured out that is NOT a good thing.

You def. should not keep giving veg nutes into flowering change... That is the point of bud blood, to INDUCE flowering and increase bud sites.
really?? well it has ALWAYS worked for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

every1 has their growing methods and ide back mine all the way!!

does this look like im doing something wrong???????? u tell me



Active Member
pleas tell me why a big stretch is a bad thing???? my plants ALWAYS at least double in size if not triple sometimes and it has never been a bad thing?????????

my buds are always big, dence and potent, why?????????


Well-Known Member
pleas tell me why a big stretch is a bad thing???? my plants ALWAYS at least double in size if not triple sometimes and it has never been a bad thing?????????

my buds are always big, dence and potent, why?????????
Dense, wait till that Big bud dries up. Sorely upset.
I guess a stretch is a good thing if you want it to be, I on other hand want the bushiest tightest internodal growth possible.
Im not into tall lanky buds.
And potent bid bud? come on.....


Active Member
Dense, wait till that Big bud dries up. Sorely upset.
I guess a stretch is a good thing if you want it to be, I on other hand want the bushiest tightest internodal growth possible.
Im not into tall lanky buds.
And potent bid bud? come on.....
go take a look at my journal i just started!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my internode spacing is spot on!!!!!
nowwhere near lanky, how rude.

as for that pic it was my last crop of bigbud and it dried and cured very nicely thankyou.
the smoke isnt the most potent by far we all know this but it was a very nice pleasant sweet smoke.
go take a look at my journal and then comment.



Well-Known Member
im going to re pot them into bigger pots and get rid of this old soil and start with fresh soil straight away - also add some dr horbys iguana juice grow at half strength - surely this will be the best plan of action - i think i will wait till the leaves die off as i havnt got rid of them yet!

the fresh soil will have new nutes in it aswell as feeding them every other watering. then wait 2 weeks till flowering under a 600w HPS - the temps and humid is fine - the ph of soil is 7 and the water is left for days to let chlorine evaporate
