White Rhino under 1000 HPS, 2 weeks. Soil/clone.


Well-Known Member
Title has most of the details. I have a white rhino baby that is in my room right now, its about 12 inches tall. It has some discoloration on the newest growth. Like a reddish brown color. I was thinking maybe nutrient lockout from PH, or some kind of Phosphorous or Iron deficiency. I have begun feeding with a mild nutrient solution, it is my own recipe that I use that is pretty complete. Before yesterday, i was just using water because I start my babies in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, and it usually burns my plants if I feed right off the bat.

So, Im going to give it a couple days to see if feeding them clears it up, but, I am worried it may be something else like:

1)Maybe not enough fresh air in the room? With the exhaust fan on, it gets down to 68-70 degrees. I am trying to run co2 as well, so, Id like it to be a little warmer, but its cold in January!! If I turn off ALL the fans and exhaust, then I get it up to 74, but then there is no air exchange or movement.

2)Too much co2? I have it set really low on the tank, but because only 1 fan and my exhaust fan are on, maybe its not leaving the room as fast as usual?

3)too cold? it gets from 59-61 with lights off, to 68-71 with lights on. Only 1 light is on, because they are just babies. I have my inline fans off too, to warm up the room as much as possible.

So, like I said, I began feeding last night, so I hope that gets them back to what they usually look like, which is a luscious green and FAST growth, around an inch a day it seems. Can anyone help?

Ive enclosed a pic of the best shot I could get of the discoloration on the new growth. Oh, the stems have red stripes too.

One more thing. SOme of the leaves seem swollen, if that makes sense. Also, some of the edges of the bigger leaves are turned up right on the very edge. Im thinking this is just from water transpiration? Too much maybe?



Active Member
ocean forest has enough food to last 2-3 weeks and some people say its to strong to began with it looks like to me the could use fresh air no co2 for a week and only give them water till they come out of it and my room is at 85 all day and i got plants up 2 my chin indoors


Well-Known Member
ocean forest has enough food to last 2-3 weeks and some people say its to strong to began with it looks like to me the could use fresh air no co2 for a week and only give them water till they come out of it and my room is at 85 all day and i got plants up 2 my chin indoors

Im going to turn the co2 off today, and see if that helps. I am still going to go with the lights as close as they are because of how cold the room is. It is warming up the plants and the soil by leaving the light closer than usual. I just made a weak nutrient solution so I could feed for a few waterings, thinking that would take care of any deficiencies the plant has. I guess if i dont fry them, than I know Im doing the right thing.