White Rhino x El Niño 400W grow


Well-Known Member
i have found a nursery 40 km out of town, i am going to take off right away . i just posted some pictures in my journal of whats going on with my plants. would you mind taking a look?
Just did ;)
And those look like light burns to me.. not sure, the camera quality isn't the best on one of the pics and I think that's the picture that shows the most on the damage.
Also think about switching over to atleast 250W.
You may be avoiding the HPS due to electric bills or something, but trust me, it doesn't make much difference.. Keep in mind you're using more electricity and start saving on other stuff and in the end it should stay the same.. I'm using 400W + 250W in my veg. room and I'm paying like 26 euros extra/ month.. it's oh so worth it.. seeing I'm yielding about 120grams every 10 weeks which is about 1100 euros I could have spent in coffeeshops, or you could have given to your dealer.. So think about it.. CFL's are nice and efficient, but yield are airy and low..


Active Member
i wish that were the case. i just cant seem to find any bulbs above 150w HPS. there are some mercury vapour 400w bulbs. but its very slim pickings at RONA or homehardware! plus i couldnt find a ballast for the hps bulb at the store. for some reason it seems they only sell the bulb and no ballast. ill have to go back and ask instead of being a typical male and trying to find it myself haha


Well-Known Member
Wow nice thread man. I love the grow, I'm scribed be here to see what your final yield is. I got a Burmese Kush plant under a 400w in a Growlab grow tent. I'm hoping for close to a qp off this one plant.



Well-Known Member
i wish that were the case. i just cant seem to find any bulbs above 150w HPS. there are some mercury vapour 400w bulbs. but its very slim pickings at RONA or homehardware! plus i couldnt find a ballast for the hps bulb at the store. for some reason it seems they only sell the bulb and no ballast. ill have to go back and ask instead of being a typical male and trying to find it myself haha
lol, do that.. 400W should be enough to get a nice yield.
Or try ordering online on ebay, that's what I've done in the past.

Wow nice thread man. I love the grow, I'm scribed be here to see what your final yield is. I got a Burmese Kush plant under a 400w in a Growlab grow tent. I'm hoping for close to a qp off this one plant.

Peace bro, thanks for stepping by..
I'll take a look at your grow in a minute ;) :blsmoke:


Active Member
ive heard not to use a Mercury Vapor bulb though. i should be able to find somethign better. im gonig to head out right now and find some nutes and maybe just pick up that 150w HPS and add it to what i already have


Well-Known Member
Most of your typical "hardware" stores aren't going to carry ballasts man. Hit up www.htgsupply.com great stuff for beginners and not priced to bad. I got my complete light setup from them for I think right at 200.00 and thats an aircooled reflector, ballast, socket,cord, and bulb. Only downside is shipping is a BITCH. I think it took damn near three weeks to get after they debited my account. I wasn't very happy with that but hey what can ya do ya know? If you have a local hydro store go by there, they will have just about everything you will need to grow.



Well-Known Member
Here's a teaser for what's to come..
if you look closely at the stems you can see bending wires.. Now look what popped out in the middle :D
A complete new fucking bud.. awesome shit..



Active Member
Here's a teaser for what's to come..
if you look closely at the stems you can see bending wires.. Now look what popped out in the middle :D
A complete new fucking bud.. awesome shit..

I might have to try that one day,that's wicked.I love the pic of the finished product,whoooooooooooohhhhhhhhooooooooooo


Well-Known Member
Not really man.. can't really measure them correctly and can't find the documents that came with the tent.. sorry bro!


Well-Known Member
How did moving the plants go? Hope it went well.
Beautiful looking pics. I can't wait to get there. I just set up a new veg area. Everything is getting going. Take a look at my girls when you get a chance


Well-Known Member
Wow bagseed huh? Looks like you got a lucky bagseed. That purple is just awesome man, its a really dark dark purple almost black I bet that smoke is dankity dankness huh?



Well-Known Member
:leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:
So I've finally entered week 4 of 12/12 today and there's been alot done to my plants..
First of all I've transferred them to a friends tent which has a 600W HPS lamp.
I've also added my 2 larger CFL's into the tent for additional side lighting.
My plants are also all being trained so there's more light passing through the canopy onto the lower buds.
Those 2 WR's were also repotted into bigger 18L pots.
The El Niño is not growing as quickly as the 2 WR's, But I'm thinking of hanging an additional 250W bulb in there right on top of the EN, this could be the catalyst it needs to start swelling up a bit.. (what ya think?)
But for all that stress, they're really looking great aren't they?

Peace mon,



Well-Known Member
Wow looking good. I dunno about the other 250. You might run into bleaching problems with there being much light in such a small space. That 600 should be pounding out some lumens and it will make a huge difference between the 400. How are temps doing with all those lights running???



Active Member
wow that is lookin really good. way to go. cant wait til mine gets through this over watering in a couple days haha.

i wouldnt add another bulb in there, that 600 plus the CFL's is more than enough i would say! how many lumens is that giving you?