White Rhino x El Niño 400W grow

Ill get on the torture comparison, Unfortunately my clones have only been in flower for a few days. Ill let everyone know when I get her going. I am going to preliminarily try this on a blueberry plant I have. I have 2 so I will compare those first, and then that should give me a better insight on what to do on the clones. I love little projects. Are you shutting down shop to move or tansporting your grow and keep it going?
So guys this is what most of you have been waiting for.. It's harvest time :D :weed:

Well today I cut down my White Rhino's and left the El Niño to flower another week longer to 12 weeks.
The WR's had 80% Amber trichs, so you know that means :twisted::twisted: :mrgreen:

These buds are ROCK-HARD!!!!!!!!!!
I mean if you would to get caught with these, they'd get charged on possession of illegal substances and concealing a deadly weapon. Cause you could theoretically knock someone out with these buds..
Especially on the smaller one.

I forgot my camera at home today... :eyesmoke:
So I had to use my phone.. it's not bad but I couldn't make some nice bud shots for you fine people :roll:

Anyways enjoy!!







The lighter was placed waay infront of the bud.. so it doesn't really show the bigness.. I was (And still am) stoned..



Small piece of scissor hash,.. :blsmoke:

So guys this is what most of you have been waiting for.. It's harvest time :D :weed:

Well today I cut down my White Rhino's and left the El Niño to flower another week longer to 12 weeks.
The WR's had 80% Amber trichs, so you know that means :twisted::twisted: :mrgreen:

These buds are ROCK-HARD!!!!!!!!!!
I mean if you would to get caught with these, they'd get charged on possession of illegal substances and concealing a deadly weapon. Cause you could theoretically knock someone out with these buds..
Especially on the smaller one.

I forgot my camera at home today... :eyesmoke:
So I had to use my phone.. it's not bad but I couldn't make some nice bud shots for you fine people :roll:

Anyways enjoy!!

The lighter was placed waay infront of the bud.. so it doesn't really show the bigness.. I was (And still am) stoned..

Woot, now time to dry and cure. :)

I mean have you ever ever eeeeverr seen anything more beautiful then this? :hug::rolleyes:


Yeah, when it's in my cab. :bigjoint:
Nice BR, Cant wait to see the pics of the finished product. I like the pics that shows the quantity. Badass harvest. Scissor hash? Scrape the scissors after trimming?
Oh how I wish I could get my hands on those buds!!! Great job there BR. pics like those keep my super excited about growing!
Ai't thanks guys!!
They're drying nicely :D
It smells like a farm in here, like horse shit or something.. the stench is overpowering my anti odor spray :P
But it's a small you'll quickly!!! learn to love :D
...But I can't open the doors, cause it'll send a clear message
And the message is........... PARTY OVA HERE!!! lol.
I know if I was walking down the street and smelt that, I would be making friends with you at the moment.... =) Very NICE BR, I truly envy you..
Check out this vid by Junior - Unite.
This was filmed on Curacao (The Island I was born and raised on).

Curacao is a small Island in the Caribbean.. population: 140k
Very beautiful island, that vid was taken in some of the "rougher" neighborhoods, but it shows the island lifestyle a bit..

And I think just 3.5oz. I smoked a piece already today that I dried under a fan and I'm pretty much wasted.. no taste at all, but that's coming in the next weeks.
Curacao is a small Island in the Caribbean.. population: 140k
Very beautiful island, that vid was taken in some of the "rougher" neighborhoods, but it shows the island lifestyle a bit..

And I think just 3.5oz. I smoked a piece already today that I dried under a fan and I'm pretty much wasted.. no taste at all, but that's coming in the next weeks.

That 3.5 oz was that from 2 plants or all 3???
hi.. nice going so far.

what growing medium are you in? What is its PH? and are you checking the PH of your nutes and if so what PH are they?

I've grown a few large white rhino plants myself in the past in a 50/50 mix of high grade soil and perlite (unfortunately unable to grow at this time). What I noticed when growing it was that very shortly after switching to 12/12 lighting the lower leaves quickly drained of nitrogen to be used by the rest of the plant. You could try slowly increasing the the amount of A+B used in your solution... and if its soil your working with then you probably want a slightly higher PH than the hydro range. I think i was using around the 6.2 mark and I DO REMEMBER THEM EATING UP LARGE AMOUNTS OF NUTES!!!!!

I'm sure they will be fine bro.. keep us posted!

hahahahaha.. i must be baked off my ass.. youve finished the grow lmao!! and i was only looking at page 1 hahahahahaa. sry .. that good smoko for ya tho! lol
Nice nice. I have spent a bunch of time down in the Carribean. Born in Florida. Pretty Island, Nice buds, nice yield. I just bought a digital scale the other day. SHould be handy in the future. 23 days in flower! coming along. What do you have coming next BR?
Yes I think 3.5oz on all 3 plants.. which wouldn't be anywhere near what I think it should have yielded.. but next grow I won't disappoint!
To answer your question blunder, Look below..

5 El Niño's
4 Blue Cheese
2 White Rhino's
1 Northern Light
2 Unknown Ceres seed feminized mixed.

The blue cheese in the back is growing like crazy!! I took a cutting from 1 of the El Niño's, but I'm going to clone every single plant in there eventually to scout out my mothers. This grow is going to be the introduction to my future hydro grow room. Where I'm going to have 2 medium/large sized NFT systems growing 30 plants (2 strains) 3x 600W
And at the same time I hope to have a SOG White Rhino tent grow (hopefully 36) under 1x 600W

It's interesting that you grow so many different strains. I tried it before but ran into problems with different growth rates.