White scum that looks like mucus!!!


I have a plant that is two weeks into 12/12. She is in a 2 gallon soiled pot. I have a t5 light that puts out over 50,000 lumens and in is in a 3x3x7 grow tent. Well to the problem. Today after I watered my plant I noticed a white scum like mucus floating atop of the soil. I have researched this all over the internet called the 2 hydro stores by me and no one can help me out!!! It literally looks like someone hacked up the biggest loogie and spit in my soil... My plant looks nice n healthy. 3wks veg then bam 12/12. Any opinions on the scum or my baby???



Well-Known Member
I cant really help you on the mucus part of this... But why is your plant only shooting out sets of three? I have never seen a cannabis plant only shoot out sets of three. I have only seen the second set have 3 and 5 for the next 7 for the next so on and so on. Sorry I could not help. You deffinatly do have a deficiency I can see it in a few leaves but not all.


Active Member
my n lights big bud cross bout a foot and a half tall bushy healthy happy, flowering away (almost 2 weeks 12/12) and it has 3 and 4 prongs only. i thought it was a genetic thing, all my other plants are in identical mediums and have been treated identically and dont show any signs of this trait, i'm not the most experienced grower by a long shot but the leaves only real importance is for photosynthesis and the number of prongs doesn't impede it, i know the leaves are barometers to a plants health but i thought they looked fine health wise


Well-Known Member
Oh no I wasn't saying any thing about health wise. The gal looks as healthy as could be. It is just strange that it is only still shooting out sets of three.


Well-Known Member
You got hydro and soil? That something I would do! I don't see what your talking about?
I do see all you plants are stretched! You could use more light! Wtf I can see it's in soil why not tell me what kind?
You have some type nutrient imbalance those 3 finger leave are what I'd call deform or retarded!