White specks on leaves


New Member
Hey, new user, does anyone have any idea what this is. On clones, looks a bit different than powdery mildew. only on 1 tray out of 4 trays of clones.
Haven't had a problem with spidermites before.
Does like look fungal?

Any info will help


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I'm dealing with a similar issue. Unfortunately it looks similar to spider mite eggs. Look and see if u see some small webbing starting anywhere. If it is u can either do like I did and use a Neem oil application. Spray tops AND bottoms! Or u could use a 1;9 isopropyl alcohol/water application n spray them. Also lady bugs are vigorous spider mite murderers and are good security for ur girls. Lemme know how things work out. Best of luck
ive heard a couple drops of dawn and a couple drops of canola oil mixed into a spray bottle of water also work well if you are worried about taste. neem isnt the best for flavor
found a spider mite on my arm the other day so ive been vigorously searching my plants for signs although i think i was just playing taxi that day and it didnt make it to its final destination
It also may be mold or mildew. I have a similar problem going on with a seedling. You aren't overwatering are you? Also what's your room humidity like?
ive heard a couple drops of dawn and a couple drops of canola oil mixed into a spray bottle of water also work well if you are worried about taste. neem isnt the best for flavor
That's good 2 know cuz my plant is 7wks into flower and I'm so worries about my buds.
Sorry for late reply, these are on clones that were in jifffy pellets. These clones are 5 days in the dome so 100% humidity, just cracked it open today.
We have a pm issue at the facility but this does not look like that. It can be rubbed off with enough pressure as well.. hmmm

Never had an issue with spider mites yet, and it seems a bit odd that they would be on one dome out of 4, when all clones were taken same day.
Thank you everybody for your inquires
ive heard a couple drops of dawn and a couple drops of canola oil mixed into a spray bottle of water also work well if you are worried about taste. neem isnt the best for flavor
I'm trying to find the best thing to use at this late point in flower that would be better for and not cause any damage to my buds
Probably pooled up pm. What did it look like before you sprayed them?
I have considered this, im working on getting some photos of the underside of the leaf.
currently im not at the operation rn but my buddy is.
thanks for all the help fellas