White specs on leaves

Yes, I have checked threads and google for my problem, I'm guessing it's out there somewhere but I can't find it.

The problem- White clusters of specs on plant leaves that won't rub off and seem to be flush with the surface of the leaf. As you can see the newer growth is just covered with the same white spots.

About- The plant is outdoors, first time growing outdoors and this is a new problem and have never seen it indoors.

What is it and how do I fix it, plants are still pretty young... about three weeks.

Bud sites.PNGLeaf 1.PNGleaf 2.PNG


Moderatrix of Journals
looks like thrip damage. a neem oil spray will keep them away for a wee bit, but i've never had them outdoors so i'm not much help on how to get rid of them. sorry.
Yah its thrips...

Gently wipe the leaves with a wet cloth...Im not sure if thrips lay eggs but check under the leaves with a magnifiying glass...

Also spray with neem oil

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Sure looks like thrips too me. Neem or turn loose some Pirate bugs in your garden. You will also want to treat the soil around the garden. Thats where they go to pupate so this is your first line of defense.