White 'spider web' looking mold on roots, searched all over never seen something like this. Pytheum?


Active Member
I am wondering if anyone has encountered root rot looking like this. Doesn't seem to be consistent with pytheum from what I can find.

Use titan ebb and grow system with 20 pods 5 gallon

Water chiller and air stones res stays 67

Run advanced nutrients sensi base with voodoo and great white

Have 2 years success with this system and no problems, took vacation a year ago and lent system to a friend whom I believe used contaminated hydroton. My first grow back I encountered this web looking mold on my roots, and had to scrap the whole thing.

Then last grow was fine with no signs of mold/root rot but the same symptoms came back now as if the pathogens were in the system but maybe couldn't take hold last crop.

Also I sterilize every cycle with ona bleach hand scrub and rinse everything. Res is changed once a week, the thing that baffles me is as far as I can tell I am doing everything right to avoid root rot but this just won't quit.

Anyway... Wondering if anyone out there has encountered this 'root mold' or anything similar, an any advice to prevent it. Tried h202 once I noticed this last time but didn't help at all. Just scrapped another harvest this freak strain of pytheum or whatever it is is killing me!! Help?!

Also put a picture of above ground. They don't show a lot of stress symptoms just dwarfed. 4 th week veg



Active Member
I'm just a newbie but I have heard in situations like yours, the pumps need to be taken apart and fully sanitized. My local hydro shop warned me when I started to be careful with bacterial growth on/in the pumps. They advised to just run the pumps submerged in bleach diluted in water, after a thorough cleaning. I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I would hit your reservoir with 1ml of bleach per gal of water every couple of days to see if you can fight that rot or get 35% h202. Are your air stones producing bubbles? I've seen where they can get clogged. Only use these items if you are running a sterile reservoir. Obviously bleach will kill any bennies.


Well-Known Member
Dude I totally just posted this same exact post lol... Been doing DWC for like fking 7 years in Cali and just moved to WA and first DWC grow I got this weird spider web mold shit. I had root aphids for the first time as well and noticed the systemic pesticide I used grew mold around the dead bodies so I think thats were mine came from, but not really sure.. I'll hit up this post if I can get anyone to really answer this. I talked to dudes at a few hydro stores and they have never heard of "mold" growing inside DWC buckets... so WTF!

heres my original post:

I hand cleaned every bucket, hand sprayed every netpod with h202 solution and flushed the entire system and now the plants are drooping(maybe too much h202?) lmfao and now heres my current situation:


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro that's kinda odd..... usually if you keep your res temps down and oxygen levels high, root rot shouldnt be a problem. That doesn't look like root rot though. Root rot usually starts as a browning/staining of the roots and then progresses... can you drop your res temps any lower?


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro that's kinda odd..... usually if you keep your res temps down and oxygen levels high, root rot shouldnt be a problem. That doesn't look like root rot though. Root rot usually starts as a browning/staining of the roots and then progresses... can you drop your res temps any lower?
Dunno about OP, but this is the first time Im using a 1000w mh when I used to use clf's for veg. Although Ive had a 600w hps for flower and never had problems with water temps...


Well-Known Member
frenchtickler can you look for root aphids? Im almost certain that when they died on my roots thats where the mold started from. Its the same spider web looking shit. Either that or environment, in which part of the country are you from? I lived in Cali for 7 years and never seen this until recently I moved to Wa state so maybe its a type of fungus in certain parts of the world. Seems your already runnning a chiller so reducing my water temps that arent that bad already I don't think will help me, although I'm still going to try that tomorrow.