white spots on my leaf pic inside what is it so i can treat her


Well-Known Member
spider mites.

a million ways to treat her. i personally use einstein oil (higher quality neem oil).

neem oil will not kill the mites, but it will keep them from reproducing. so once you spray, wait a few days for the eggs to hatch and spray again. then, for good measure, wait a few more days and spray again. i do a 3/5/7 day cycle to keep killing the new mites as they hatch.

mites breed quickest in hot temps, dry conditions, and no wind. the colder, wetter, and windier it is, the harder a time they will have reproducing.

when spraying with neem, do not spray in direct sunlight. wait until the sun is almost down or an hour or two before the sun comes up and spray. get the bottom and top side of every leaf.

the key to battling mites is to understand their life cycle and breeding conditions. it is a fight you can never truly win via full eradication, it is best to be preventive and proactive.

best of luck.


Well-Known Member
That Einstein oil looks really good, if I ever use neem again I might give that one a try.

I haven't had to deal with mites for years until very recently. Earlier this year I adopted a puppy and while letting it play in the backyard, two ticks landed on her neck and attached. I over reacted by spraying my whole property with insecticides and I trimmed back all the over grown weeds. Sure got rid of the ticks, but killed a lot of friendlies in the process, so when the summer heat wave came, the mites moved in and had a feast with no beneficial insects to keep them in check.

I ended up using Organicide that I picked up from Home Depot when dawn and ice water didn't do the job. The active ingredient is sesame oil and uses fish oil as a carrier. I've used neem oil in the past (probably not as pure as Einstein oil though) and a few of my plants (White Rhinos) had a bad toxicity reaction to it. I'm also not 100% comfortable using something that affects the nervous system. Safe for mammals or not, it just gives me the ebby jibbies. The sesame oil worked really fast and doesn't hurt fish, something I only recently thought about since my neighbor recently installed a pond. Last thing I want to do is piss off the neighbors tending my marijuana garden.


Well-Known Member
I like azamax. Be sure to spray the underside of the leaves. UB is right..its about population control.

The Count

Well-Known Member
Mighty wash is the bomb for taking care of mites. 99% water based and can be used all the way through flower with no negative effect on your flowers.


ok thanks for getting back to me so fast ihave something call westland plant rescue which says it will kill those fucking spider mite i will use it tonight then again in 2 days and so forth intill they are gone if this dont work i try the Einstein oil. the weather here has been shit and the plant is left out in the wind and she my only one left out of 16 coz some slugs munch all of them and she was the weak one out of the lot