White spots with brown outlines spreading quick PLEASE HELP!


Active Member
]The plants are in 5 gallon buckets and all have small brown spots all over some yellowing leaves, I believe maybe a cal/mag deficiency? I gave them a shot with their first dose of flowering nutes today. The plants are in about week 2 of flower, are outdoors in the woods. There a couple plants in a larger container that are exhibiting any symptoms but some yellowing leaves (nitrogen). I have one in the ground which has no yellowing, and I have fed that plant no nutes at all, and it doesnt get nearly as much sun as the others in containers. I have given the plants alaskan fish fertilizer once every two weeks all summer and plain water every other week. I gave them one dose of biobizz topmax, because it was all i had last week with their watering, and havent given them fish fertilizer in two weeks. I just started giving them (today first dose) Advanced nutrients big bud, organic iguana juice (bloom), grand enggys h2 humic acid, and bud candy. The one plant is suffering from something terrible. I first saw it last week, I went and it looked like it was splattered with white paint or bird shit mainly on the top. There was white necrotic spots all over many leaves and some leaves completely dead, and even a bit of bud rot. We have had a ton of rain. The plant next to it looks like it has the same problem/maybe caught it. The spots are white and have rings and are outlined in brown, and the plant is looking kind of bare as well because so much is dying so fast. There is some black on the buds/leaves surrounding some of the buds, but may just be some purpling. I sprayed all the plants with a bit of dish detergent and fungicide and baking soda diluted in water a few days ago, i thought maybe it was a fungus on the plants? I am not sure if it some sort of deficiency or disease, but have leaned towards disease because it looks like the plant next to it is catching the same thing. I am assuming the roots are bound up pretty good in there and we have had a ton of rain lately, but why would this plant be affected and not all the others with the same exact thing? The spots on the other plants are smaller and all brown, the plants in the ground and other container have none of this. Also- The plants are in a mix of promix, happy frog, some garden soil (very little organic miracle gro) perlite, and some lime. the buckets are 4-7 gallons.

I sincerely appreciate your expertise and any help. I have isolated the one plant to another location and think I will do the same with the other that starting to have the problem. The plants affected are Cinderella 99 X Northern lights.

I did quite of bending and breaking of the branches throughout the grow season to promote light getting to all sights and more tops. Some fimming towards the end, but no topping.



Active Member
some of are the plant affected, some of other plants, one plant in ground and the two in the larger container.


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how do i edit>? Sorry im not new to forums, but have never started thread before
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Looks like a nitrogren deficiency (Yellow starts on the oldest leaves first then works its way to newest leaves).
The plants with purple on the growing tips have phosohorus deficiency.
Necro spots look like a heavy magnesium deficiency, but could possibly be infested with bugs aswell.

I would start feeding them a heavier nutrient solution.


Active Member
Hey thanks for the reply. I just fed them today, didnt order bloom nutes in time, I gave them biobizz topmax last week. I hope it is just mg deficiency but those white spots are unique and i have done lots of searching and have saw anything like that anywhere in any forums. The spots are different sizes and look like splattered paints. All of the plants (except one in ground which had no nutes and is greenest with no spots) have been treated the same. Only two suffer from these white spots with brown outlines and rings throughout (only on top of leaves and started towards top of plant). the others have smaller brown dots which maybe remind of a mg/cal deficiency. The others will green back up now that I fed them, but I am concerned about the two and especially the one with the worst pics here seems like it might not make it if I dont figure it out soon (or it may be too late already)


Well-Known Member
If your low on ferts, I would use them on the biggest plants(that is if there is hope of course) or I would use then ferts on my healthiest plants. I hope your able to revive your plants. Also Im not sure what soil your using, but I would try to top off your 5gallon containers with non time released fertilizer(If it is time released you will have trouble flushing out the chemicals when its time to harvest). Peace


Well-Known Member
You'll know in a week or two if your plants have completely lost the will to live and repair itself. Best of luck to you. Worse case, you get some nice mid grade bud. Remember, low grade is seedy ;) and gives you headaches.


Active Member
i will check the ph. but it strange that i have treated them all the same and I have a differnt problem with these two plants right next to each other. THe other plants are still healthy despite the yelllowing of leaves, I have plenty of nutes now. I fed them with cal mag as well today so hopefully this clears up the problem. WHy would this one plant (and it looks like spread to the one next to it) have this unique problem if all fed the same. I thought maybe it picked up a disease from the native vegetation. THere was somebud rot on the top bud as well. The pics of all the differnt plants and I didnt take a whole plant pic of the sickest, just closeups. I was just trying to give an idea of my grow.


Active Member
like i said i fed them today, just got advanced nutrients big bud, iguana juice, bud candy and grma enggys humic acid, fed them today, so hopefully i see a turnaround in all plants, but especially the ones that are sick


Well-Known Member
If they're all Cinderella 99 X NL and you're getting different results it could be because they're all different sizes/ages or even because of unstable genetics. Could be mold or pests do some looking around in your garden for pests.


Active Member
i searched hard for pests the last two times. nothing turned up, i have a couple daddy long legs and nematodes which are supposedly good for mites. I am really hoping the cal/mag deficiency just got real bad in the couple that are affected. The nute company sent me some real high powered systemtic fungicide which i am going to hit them off with tommorow (this will prevent bud rot later on which I am bound to be screwed by if i dont take care of the issue now due to tons of rain in october) I think they will fine, but am hoping somebody who knows exactly what the issue is passes by so i can save the two that are grossly affected by these white spots.


Active Member
if i lose the two i still have others left that will be healthy. there are some greenhouse trainwrecks in the garden as well and they have the smaller brown dots like other the healthier NL 99's


Well-Known Member
Just remember, using fungicide will only kill the current fungus and spores. But it won't prevent bud rot if its too humid.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, easiest way to check if its mold or a deciency is to see if the white spots are crunchy or soggy. If they're soggy then its mold. If they break when you touch them its a def.


Well-Known Member
seems like u got more then 1 problem there man. the one in the ground is doing good because its not restricted to certain amount of soil/food, although u havnt fed it i doubt it will even need a feed at all...mj's tap roots will dive down far. as for your plants in the pots it looks like a nitro deffiency and/or mag deff, which could be caused by lockout from bad ph or to much nutes/salts....then u have to remember once a certain nutrient is locked out then that will cause over nutrients to be locked out and so on..this is why its crucial to spot problems early and indentify them.