white stuff!! is it mold?!! plz help ~PICS~


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

ive been seeing white stuff im thinking its mold but im gana post it up just to make sure...

they both have mold and thew one in the aerogarden has a very weak point on the stem. its like its rotting or something... plz help me and what should i do??


its me

ya its clearly root rot the only way to fix this is to cut the dead roots and bury the still healthy ones. also a nute level change which is bad concidering the plants are so young and weak. AND you should be using a better media. AND this problem dose more often occer when the seed isnt buryed 2x the length of the seed into the media. AND your welcome


Well-Known Member
Aerogargen what a waste of money. For what you spend on that you could get a good start on something much better. :wall:


Active Member
Use fat free milk, spray your plants thourouly with 3 parts water/1 part milk.
that one is a goner but milk has antifungal properties in it. it will keep the mildew at bay. for future reference....... i spray mine once a week, the plants love it too.


Well-Known Member
so can someone tell me what can i do to prevent molds? im gana be using the same setup.
fist 2 pics are a 5gallon bucket with a netpot in middle aero/dwc style... and second it just an aero i got on craiglist for 40bucks lol, but seriously why am i getting mold?? lights are on the aero 18/6 and the bucket is 24/0.. aerogarden has a airstone in it.

what went wrong??


Active Member
lights do not have much to do with it. Humidity is more of a concern. If your humidity is high you have more of a chance of getting mildew. Also some strains are more succeptible to getting it than others and if the mother plant that the clone was takin from had it than more then likely the clone will have it. You want your humidity at 50% during early veg and 40% through the rest of the grow


i got the same white shit on top of my plants but i dont think its mold cause it occured when i put the nutrients into the resevoir and it watered for the first time i happened to be in there and seen it forming onto the rock wool but it looks the same for sure...