White stuff on plant


Active Member
i have no clue what this is , i have been looking around on here and the only thing i could guess is maby mold? the humidity goes from 25-45 and temps around 81. i also licked my finger and tried to gently clean it off but it was part of the plant (looking for mites). these are bag seeds i started to test if my as a test grow before bubblegum.



Active Member
i dont know much about the subject i was doing some googling and found that not many people had mold this early in the grow (its only like 2 weeks in) and that you could remove some with your finger.


Well-Known Member
Hi Digitalliquid, I had mildew on my plants (heavier that what you are showing on those leaves - and this was down to when the waether changed recently) I bought a product by Ecostyle called Silinal, this contains Natriumsilicaat (translated into English - Sodium Silicate / or Water Glass) You get a tiny bottle and mix 1.5 ml with a litre, then use this as a spray. It looks like a sort of whitish liquid once mixed with water. It seems to have done the trick for me on the main....and I was 6 weeks into bud. It not enviromentally damaging and can be used to spray on grapes etc. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
oh, and get a humidifier (I am also in the market for one) using a box with salts that extract mouisture out of the air - company called Bison make them - will do until I get a humidifier - (I am currently laid up with a busted knee!! bugger)


Active Member
thanks for the replys guys i will keep an eye out for a humidifier , but for the time being i really need to get a inline fan because i believe this problem is due to high temps and poor airflow. either way though im about to run out to the store to go grab some of that spray ill report back as to how well it worked.


Well-Known Member
i have no clue what this is , i have been looking around on here and the only thing i could guess is maby mold? the humidity goes from 25-45 and temps around 81. i also licked my finger and tried to gently clean it off but it was part of the plant (looking for mites). these are bag seeds i started to test if my as a test grow before bubblegum.

its not mold its powdery mildew


Active Member
so what i ended up doing was getting an inline fan and some sulfur powder. with the fan on my humidity went down to 33 and has been staying there so i know that helped a little bit. i didnt buy a sulfur burner because of the size of the tent is small and i was advised that it would be easier to just get the sulfur powder to sprinkle or spray. as for now im going to have to hope that works of course its not going to be a long term solution but until i can get some more cash for a dehumidifier its going to have to work. also its showing up on the newer leaves


Active Member
i have no clue what this is , i have been looking around on here and the only thing i could guess is maby mold? the humidity goes from 25-45 and temps around 81. i also licked my finger and tried to gently clean it off but it was part of the plant (looking for mites). these are bag seeds i started to test if my as a test grow before bubblegum.

Organic Sprays
Sulfur is highly effective against powdery mildew if used in a protectant program with a minimum of 7 to 14 days between applications. Garlic naturally contains high levels of sulfur and a few cloves crushed in water can be used to make a homemade spray. Apply a sulfur-based fungicide at first evidence of mildew and repeat applications as necessary. Proper timing of fungicide applications is critical to successful control so make sure to begin at the first sign of the disease.

However, sulfur can be damaging to some squash and melon varieties. Another option is to spray once a week with a solution of baking soda. Baking soda increases the surface pH of the leaf making it unsuitable for the growth of powdery mildew spores. Be sure to spray the undersides of leaves as well as the upper surfaces when using any of these sprays.

Here's a recipe to make your own spray:

1 teaspoon baking soda
1 quart water
A few drops of liquid soap

Before treating your plants, test the spray on a few leaves to make sure they are not too sensitive.

found this online give it a try


Active Member
okay so i got a dehumidfier made by lg , it was one of those nice 200-250$ ones (got on craigslist for 50$ : ) ) and it only goes down to 35% humidity. ideally i wanted my humidity at 15% so i could make shure that that wasnt the problem. and after applying the sulfur powder in a liq form it left concentrations of sulfur on the plant so i wipped them down and have only been spraying them with 6.0 ph water. after the wipedown they looked better (but still the same leaves with the white on them remained) and let them sit overnight , when i woke up this morning the temp was 75 and the humidity was at 40%. from what i understand these numbers arent ideal conditions for molds. the only other thing im wanting to try is to get my water chiller and bring down the temp and the humidity lvl while spraying with sulfur 2wice a week. if that doesnt work ill be convinced this is not mold.

on a side note has anyone seen anything like the pictures i have posted? i try going through these forum but its hard when everything is tittled "have you seen this?" or "what problem is this?" not describing that the problbem is that the thread is talking about


Active Member
dont leave me hanging im waiting to see form someone if i should be using distilled water. for the time being i just started using a water purifier and boiled the water for 30 min and left it in the fridge over night