White Widow - 400w - Medicinal Grow

Sgt. Pepper

This is my first grow and is for medicinal purposes. So have a look. All comments are welcome, haters are not (If your a hater please click back & move on). :bigjoint:

400w HPS - HTG Ballast & Hood (flowering)
400w Grow Brite bulb (flowering)
6 40w Tube floros 4' (vegging)
General Hydroponics Nutrients (Lucas Form.)
General Hydroponics - PH up & down
BCSeedking - White Widow
Diy - Aero DWC hybrid -w- 3 " netpots, rockwool & hydroton (flowering & vegging)
Flowering Room 4'6" x 5'6" x 6'6" (1x4's -w- black & white poly stapled to it) It's temporary.
Accu-Rite Thermometer-Hygrometer
PH drops (Cuz I'm Broke) (yep I'm in Michigan)
Tap water airing out for at least 3 days

This journal was an after thought, so I have limited info from the start until now (sorry).

I germinated 14 seeds - they all popped. I culled 1 runt from a cracked seed (surprised it germinated) and I also culled the smallest one of the 13 that I had left to stay in compliance. In Mich. we're only allowed 12 per patient.

Well here's 4 pics (I only loaded 4 cuz there aint much to show). They are 1 week from germ in their permanent homes vegging under 4 40w floro tubes(PH'ed water only). Some pics aint so good, as I'm also a noob to digital cameras.


Sgt. Pepper

4 weeks from germ. I introduced 1/4 strength nutrients at this stage after noticing some spots on the leaves that I figured to be nute deficiencies. I tried to keep the ph near 5.7. As a noob I probably over did this aspect at the beginning (adding up & down in the same day). I know, I know whata noob lol. Not much else to tell (that I can remember anyway).

Here's some pics.


Sgt. Pepper

Ok we're 11 weeks from germ & 2 weeks from the flip (for 6 of them). I have a feeling by the time I'm able to flower the other 6 I'll have to chop them nearly in half. :-(

Well we have 1 male out of the 6 in flowering. 5 outa 6 aint bad.

I also found 1 male in preflowering in the tote that's still vegging. So now I have 10 outa 12 from germ. Luck was on my side this time, which is a rare & refreshing thing for me. :grin: If I had a pot to wizz in I'd hit the casino, lol.

I finally got my hps 2 weeks ago and flipped one of the totes. The others are still vegging. This is the stage I started with the Lucas Formula. I'm still changing the res every 2 weeks or sooner if I've had to add more than 10 gals. of water to a 15 gal. res... Now I started to let the ph swing. Usually when I change the res. I start the ph at 5.6-5.7 & let the ph swing up to 6-6.2, which by that time is time for a res. change. It seems to be working ok to this noob, so I'm not gonna fix what aint broke yet.

At this point my growing skills are getting better than my camera skills. lol

Here they are.


Sgt. Pepper

Ok now we're 12 weeks from germ & 3 weeks from the flip.

Finally starting to see some flowering. Yeehaa..

Not much to say, cept things appear to be ok. My temps are between 74f & 62f, Rh between 45 & 60 % (for the flowering room). The temps for those still in veg are between 65f & 62f, Rh stays about 50 %. Ph isn't giving me any problems (knock on wood) lol.

Actually there were 2 things I noticed. Not sure how big of a problem it is though, maby someone can tell me.

1. I'm seeing 2 leaves on an ordinarily healthy plant conoeing? Pic 6 @ the top.
2. I haven't topped or fimmed, but some of my side shoots are over growing the main colas. Is this normal?

The flowering ladies are a thirsty buncha wenches, but I let them drink as much as they want as long as they stay virgins. lol

Well here they are..


Sgt. Pepper

Ok here we are at week 13 & 4 weeks from flip day.

Things seem to be going well. The biggest problem I can think of at this point is I'm running out of room for stretching. The stretching seems to be slowing so that's a good sign.

Oh yeah & my camera skills are finally coming around.

So for your viewing pleasure heeeeeeeeeer's Connie.. & April & May & June & Autumn.
I haven't actually named them, but I thought about giving them strippers stage names. Gimmie some ideas for names.



New Member
lookin very tasty!! nice man they grew in like 15 min lol! lets see we have isabella, brittany, stacey, jennifer, shaniqua haha jkn

Sgt. Pepper

lookin very tasty!! nice man they grew in like 15 min lol! lets see we have isabella, brittany, stacey, jennifer, shaniqua haha jkn

Yeah I get my beans from the same guy Jack did. I just hope my Stalks don't end up in the clouds like his did lol. :wink:


Well-Known Member
God i wish i could show u some of my WW'S running under same conditions just in more compacted area. finishing week 10 tuesday, and looking soo soo crystally. Been so hard to resist cutting them, every time i reach in to prune dying leaves my hand is just covered with white resin.. enjoy

Sgt. Pepper

God i wish i could show u some of my WW'S running under same conditions just in more compacted area. finishing week 10 tuesday, and looking soo soo crystally. Been so hard to resist cutting them, every time i reach in to prune dying leaves my hand is just covered with white resin.. enjoy
Wish I could see'em. That wait has to be like be givin keys to a Ferrari & only being able to drive it back & forth in the drive way. :sad: