white widow,5 weeks flowering.HELP please!!!


Active Member
youve overfed it . i did the same.ive seen a plant 5 feet tall with no leaves just buds so dont worry about the fuckin leaves


Well-Known Member
yeah, they say it takes longer to flower, i never had pure sativa like that. but once i had one ww (out of 3, the other two were males), well it died literally due to timer problems(the light stayed on 24/7 for a week and half, after 3-4 week flower timing of 12/12. anyway, WW or even Ice strains are more Indica with fatter leaves and hella, hella super duper fat and frosty flowering buds. It'l be fine just that try another seedshop and compare.


Active Member
From my own experience with similar problems with one of my past grows of WW, my diagnosis would be that you are giving to much nutrients.

My suggestions, like others have said, would be to flush you plant with straight water for about a week. You may even want to try adding a drop (small drop and no more than one) of regular dish soap to your water. The bubbles that are created by the soap when poured into the soil will bring oxygen to the roots. This is very important! It's like growing hydro in a way allowing the roots greater oxygen which is extremely key in having a healthy plant.

Right now your buds aren't flowering to there full potential because your plant is under stress, it doesn't have an ideal growing atmosphere. It doesn't mean your plant continue to flower, you've just stunted the growth.