White Widow Aero Grow


Well-Known Member
All ten of my ww seeds had germanated in ready to grow. I have seven in my AG and 1 in a milk jug. I will take pictures when they grow they first set of leaves. This will be day 1.


Well-Known Member
That's the only ww left in my ag. The rest of them did'nt survive. Maybe i should've let them germanate a little longer. Oh well U live N learn. Now my ag is fill with haze and one ww. My first grow die due to ph and ag nuts problems. second grow turn out to be too males. This will be my third Grow. And now i have 2 AG's. I'am also growing 2 ww plants in Miracle-Gro, I'am keep everybody posted.


Well-Known Member
Day 20.... Getting really close to flowering. I say maybe 10 more days. I what to wait to they reach 1 month to start. I know i can start sooner but i rather wait to they fully mature. They're getting bigger everyday now


Active Member
Wow, kudos to you. I had 9 WW seeds I got 2 yrs ago and had in the fridge. All 9 sprouted, but as it goes I finished off all but 4 and they're doing I'm not sure what. First time using my Caddy and I think I fried them with too hight of temps and undernurished them. The four left are in dire need and I'm not sure of what??? Afraid to do anything, like adding more nutes cuz my TDS is only 247 and 88 of that is my tap water reading. They're so burnt though (besides being yellow from I'd assume lack of nitrogen/nutes) I'm afraid to add nutes cuz maybe that's what burned them rather than the heat. Have my Caddy door open now and keeping in the 75-85 degree range with ph between 6.0 to 6.5. Been using white vinegar to lower pH but apparently that doesn't maintain for long as I've been adding 3-4 Tablespoons 2 or 3 times a day and I've gone through 1.5 gals of vin in 5 wks, yikes. Guess I'll have to get some pH up/down. I'll stick my pics in here I already put on the Mini Cook Cab (made by Sunlight Sheds like mine is) thread. Hoping to save my WWs, h e l p......


Well-Known Member
Tinkerbell, where do you live? How is the tap water where you are, if that is what you are using. You might want to switch to distilled. What your plants have looks like chlorine burn. How often are you feeding them?


Active Member
Tinkerbell, where do you live? How is the tap water where you are, if that is what you are using. You might want to switch to distilled. What your plants have looks like chlorine burn. How often are you feeding them?
Thanks for answering and taking time to check out my mess. I live at Lake Tahoe and our water is really good. TDS on tap is 88. I have a water quality analysis report on our water, but not sure where they would list how much chlorination there is?? Is there another name it would be called, like chloride or something where I could find that out. Interesting the burns could be that as it never entered my mind, but then all this chemical analysis stuff is new to me. My dirt in the yard always just works well, so who knew. I'm thinking I will do distilled next week when I change out my tank again. I added 1 tsp per gal as the nuts instructed, but think maybe they're too small for that amount, but then why are my leaves so yellow? Could chlorine do that also? I assumed it was too much nutes that burned them after reading in rollitup, but then the yellowness (pic #2 is yellow on the bigger leaves and dark green on top and center [darker green since I raised my TDS] and the other, pic #5, is the opposite, dark green on the outside and bright yellow in the center of the whole tinsy plant, the other two are just med green and fried) made me think it was lack of nutes??? Now I've raised my light, opened my doors (my temps sometimes showed 95), not added nutes for quite a while (TDS 236 and guess I'd minus my tap water's TDS 88 which equals TDS 148, isn't that how it works??, so they must be starving.) As pic #1, the biggest, got yellower and yellower, I started adding nutes again. Have added 3 tsp in the last 2 days and TDS is now TDS 323 (-88 = 235)and they seem to be perking up.

Should I be sending you private posts. Seems everyone in here writes 1 or 2 sentences and I write a journal????

Thanks again for your time and for helping me! I really appreciate it! I'll call the water co Mon and find out what our chlorination rate is, but I think they pride thereselves on being in Tahoe and having such great water.


Well-Known Member
Wow, kudos to you. I had 9 WW seeds I got 2 yrs ago and had in the fridge. All 9 sprouted, but as it goes I finished off all but 4 and they're doing I'm not sure what. First time using my Caddy and I think I fried them with too hight of temps and undernurished them. The four left are in dire need and I'm not sure of what??? Afraid to do anything, like adding more nutes cuz my TDS is only 247 and 88 of that is my tap water reading. They're so burnt though (besides being yellow from I'd assume lack of nitrogen/nutes) I'm afraid to add nutes cuz maybe that's what burned them rather than the heat. Have my Caddy door open now and keeping in the 75-85 degree range with ph between 6.0 to 6.5. Been using white vinegar to lower pH but apparently that doesn't maintain for long as I've been adding 3-4 Tablespoons 2 or 3 times a day and I've gone through 1.5 gals of vin in 5 wks, yikes. Guess I'll have to get some pH up/down. I'll stick my pics in here I already put on the Mini Cook Cab (made by Sunlight Sheds like mine is) thread. Hoping to save my WWs, h e l p......
Don't worry too much they're looking good. Still i'am no expert. You should get some good advice on this site. Try posting your own thread so you can get a variety of help. It seems you need that ph up and down like you mention. I have a little AG experience. I'am farly new to growing. Be careful they're alot of wanna bee's out there. Guy's will try to ack like they know it all. Honest feedback is what we need. Guy's who hav'nt grown anything yet will be the first to commit. LoL they're trying to earn point's. But this is NO GAME. Live & Learn