White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

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hi bong, those plants are filling out nicely now man. you could start to flower them with the lights you have and then put them under the hps when you get it. keep up the good work mate.

looking good B-spit,,,nice colours and very healthy looking,,,I don't think you would have a problem tripping the plants now and changing the light when you get it,,even in nature the amount of light plants get fluctuates,,plants outside grow in spring,,then get hot summer sun for 2 months,,then on off sun in the fall,,maybe your plants will just think it was cloudy out,,lol,,anyway,,good luck man

Keep on Growin

hi bong, those plants are filling out nicely now man. you could start to flower them with the lights you have and then put them under the hps when you get it. keep up the good work mate.

hey hustla...thanks for stopping by...I think thats what I am going to do....

looking good B-spit,,,nice colours and very healthy looking,,,I don't think you would have a problem tripping the plants now and changing the light when you get it,,even in nature the amount of light plants get fluctuates,,plants outside grow in spring,,then get hot summer sun for 2 months,,then on off sun in the fall,,maybe your plants will just think it was cloudy out,,lol,,anyway,,good luck man

Keep on Growin

hey HoLE...glad to have you back...I think I am going to give them another week, that way it would only be a
1 more week until they got the hps...
Hey, Can I see a close up of the preflower? Mine sorda looks similar I just need a closer pic to determine for sure.... Your plants are looking great man... My plants are on their 4th day of flower and ones showing what seems to be female characteristics.... Going to give it a few more days though...
Hey, Can I see a close up of the preflower? Mine sorda looks similar I just need a closer pic to determine for sure.... Your plants are looking great man... My plants are on their 4th day of flower and ones showing what seems to be female characteristics.... Going to give it a few more days though...
I am getting ready to post some pics now...my camera, which usually takes real nice close ups is acting silly...so I will try to show the preflowers...
31 days...I can not believe 1 day made this much difference...I had to raise my light 4 inches...they must have liked the FF peace of mind...


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this is the blueberry...

it just looks different mate, my white widow has reddish bits but not as much as your does. mine has got it on little bits of the branches. do you have a pic of the whole plant ?
I don't really know too much, but my current white widows started reddish/brown on the stem and are starting to go shed the brown and go bright green(not sure if thats good though lol)
maybe its the blueberry? have you found that plant yet? looking good bongspit cant wate for some bud pic's lol
the red bits on the stems could be stress coz ive noticed that weneva i do things like top them it causes them to get red blotchy bits on the main stem..
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