New Member
it hurts like helll...I drilled a hole in it to release some pressure...Never mind the friggin x...are you hurt doof???
It was your signature pic that didn't show up in the last post so it turned up as an x.
it hurts like helll...I drilled a hole in it to release some pressure...Never mind the friggin x...are you hurt doof???
It was your signature pic that didn't show up in the last post so it turned up as an x.
ha ha ha..HoLE has the day off..he needs some reading material...alright B-Shpit,,gimme yur addy and I'll Fed Ex some batteries dammit
Keep on Growin
ok...I will go get some batteries...I just hate going in wally world...alright B-Shpit,,gimme yur addy and I'll Fed Ex some batteries dammit
Keep on Growin
ok...I will go get some batteries...I just hate going in wally world...
I have not seen these in rechargable form yet..then buy a good set of rechargeables,,and a lil charger thingy,,all done,,get like 4 or 6,,so ya always got em,,
Keep on Growin
I have not seen these in rechargable form yet..
he's not moving fast..I even offered to go walk the frozen section with him..and see how nippley it got..he's not fallin for it...
you guys need to cut the old man some slack...GM thinks I'm like some kind of sex toy or something...
sure you can....eew eeew I have ta choose.???????????? I can't.