White Widow and Super Skunk closet grow


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, I got my seeds in the mail on Friday and germinated them. Sunday night both seeds were ready to be planted. I planted them in party cups using and organic seed starting soil called "eco-friendly organic seed starting soil", I got it at Lowes and was about $4 for an 8 quart bag. As of today the seeds have not popped yet, but they haven't yet been in the soil for a full 24 hours.



Active Member
Subb'ed, I'm in for the ride. I have 10 fem White Widow seeds in my collection, that grow is in the line up. I will enjoy watching your grow. Good Luck !


Well-Known Member
Thanx, this is my 2nd grow ever. The plants died because of over watering in my first grow, but it wasn't a failure because I learned alot. Everyone feel free to comment on the grow and give me advice, I'm just a noob and appreciate the help. I will check the progress later when I get home and give an update on the status.


Well-Known Member
ok guys its been 4 days since i planted the seeds. I can barely see one of them breaking the soil. I dont see the othe one all. I will post pics once they sprout.


Well-Known Member
thats all good. they're doing their thing. some strains sprout slower than others. I definitely feel you on the first grow not being a waste. I seriously learned more in my first grow than in all my subjects combined in all four years of high school.

you didnt water your soil before you planted the seeds did you? if so, how much?


Well-Known Member
I watered it before I planted them, but I let all excess water drain and planted them with the soil moist like a sponge and I have bags over the cups acting as a humidity dome. I am not planning on watering for a while as I am waiting until the soil gets dry so the roots will grow in search for the water.


Well-Known Member
right.. you're on the right track for success for sure. the only problem that I believe COULD be happening is a little bit of slowed growth due to the possibility of the soil being too wet but I trust you didnt soak it. as you said, you want the roots to dive down and search for water. when i recently planted my seedlings in soil, i didnt make enough drainage holes and i thought the soil was drying but there was very wet, soggy soil a few inches below the surface. I transplanted the early seedlings into fresh soil that had not been watered yet and am having success. but I would give yours more time before doing anything of that nature. make sure to remove the humidity bags when the pop out of the soil.


Well-Known Member
yea i plan to remove the bags possibly later today. Did you order from the single seed centre? I got the same frees bonus seeds as you.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah buddy! Its possible our shit got shipped the same day maybe? my friend has some coming next week too. im interested to see what he got as well. lol Im excited for the yumbolt. its looking pretttty happy right now


Well-Known Member
I now each month they do something diffrent so if your friend ordered in October he would get the same thing as us. For November they are giving out Northern Light Blue and LA Diva Automatic.


Well-Known Member
ohh thats whats up. good to know. he'll be getting the same as us. damn. I love variety lol


Well-Known Member
lol. I signed up for their newsletter. They sent an email about the bonus seeds for November. I can't wait to see what they give away in December, If its something good I'll probably order from them to get the free bonus seeds.


Well-Known Member
Its been a full week since I planted the seeds in the soil and they still have not yet come up. I also planted Trainwreck, White Rhino, Yumbolt 47, and Pakistan Rhyder into cups today. I am hoping I see some progress soon.


Well-Known Member
ok guys sorry for the late update. I was able to take pictures this morning and post them. The white widow, skunk, and white rhino have died so now i only have 3 plants left. I am buying some rockwool today and will get a germination station set up, I am going to put in another order for more seeds soon. I'm not sure if my plants I have now are doing good, so if anyone has any sugestions feel free to help out, any advice is welcome and appreciated.



Active Member
ok guys sorry for the late update. I was able to take pictures this morning and post them. The white widow, skunk, and white rhino have died so now i only have 3 plants left. I am buying some rockwool today and will get a germination station set up, I am going to put in another order for more seeds soon. I'm not sure if my plants I have now are doing good, so if anyone has any sugestions feel free to help out, any advice is welcome and appreciated.
Get some light on them but first replant them.... They're stretched all to fuck because they aren't getting enough light.


Active Member
When you re-plant them make sure those long stems are in the soil, dude your lights are no where near close enough to the seedlings.


Well-Known Member
thanx for the suggestions. i havent been able to get any bagseed lately as all of the seeds i find are crushed and unusable.