white widow and unknown WORDLESS outdoor grow journal

Indoor Don

Active Member
Its outdoors they been out there for almost a month! And I try not to water them alot because it rains alot . The soil is mg...... are you gonna bust my balls? Lol

lol, no, by the sounds of it you already had your balls busted about MG. Do you have current pics? is the soil dry? how much rain do you get where your from this time of year? whats your temps?more info the better


Active Member
Lol I haven't but I seen all the arguments over mg soil. I live in Florida so its always raining and humid outside. The last pics i posted are from today. I planning on bringing them inside but I need to wait till payday to get a 150w hps. Im thinking they dont grow as much due to the lack of light and cold temps although its not really cold more like chilly


Active Member
Problem is my sister lives in my room until the end of the week when she leaves I'm going to put my babies in my dresser. I plan on painting the inside white so when I do get the hps my babies can maximum light. I plan on repotting them just incase if there are bugs in the soil. Oh and they are almost a month old.

Indoor Don

Active Member
Problem is my sister lives in my room until the end of the week when she leaves I'm going to put my babies in my dresser. I plan on painting the inside white so when I do get the hps my babies can maximum light. I plan on repotting them just incase if there are bugs in the soil. Oh and they are almost a month old.

yea man they do look small


Active Member
Ya I no hopefully they start to take off when I get the light. Its my first grow I will be doing things different on my 2nd
2nd grow. I hope they make it to harvest
no growing my WW outside this time of the year. although it still would make the plants frosty white. i would never guess those plants are almost a month old


Active Member
I guess its cuz there was not much sunlight out and it was cold. Now they're inside they're getting bigger. Sorry I don't no how to add people what do i do to add you as a friend?


Active Member
Ok so i finally got paid! And i got everything i needed for a grow box! I bought a 36 gallon rubbermaid 12 26w cfl 6 splitters 3 power strips 2 6 inch fans 2 metallic gift wrapping paper a timer and other shit I can't think of now lol i moved my 2 ww and 1 unk in the box and started 12/12 hopefully i get bud sites soon! I will attach pics when im off of work. Shout to my girl for building me the grow box lol