White widow cfl grow week 4 flowering. Problem? Pics*


Active Member
Hey everyone well i am week 4 into flowering and around week 2 bottom leaves have started dying and it is working its way up slowly. Ive been giving it dyna grow nutes then stopped when the leaves started to die just to see if i was over nuting. Ended up giving it some epsom salt the other day to see if that helps. Lots of really big fan leaves dying im almost worried. Should i just flush just incase?



Active Member
i dont think it would be root bound though. Its only about 18 inchs tall...hmmm... could be though...thanks for the reply


all my leaves have fallen off, they yellowed, turned brown got crispy and fell off. same strain. will be watching to see if it's normal


Well-Known Member
It's a nitrogen deficiency, which happens alot during early bloom because guys switch to their bloom fert too early. That stretching period burns up alot of N, so it's be a good idea to start using your veg nutes during those weeks. Alot of people keep using the veg nutes all the way through bloom, alternating with their bloom nutes, leaning more towards the bloom nutes as they start approaching full maturity.

EDIT: Honestly though, it doesn't look bad at all. Give it a little nitrogen and she'll finish out fine. :cool:


Active Member
ive been giving it around 500 ml of water every 4 days i think i might shorten that because if the plant is root bound it eats up water. am i right?