White widow clone x 3


Well-Known Member
I just got 3 white widow clones, first clones ever had, so I have a couple questions. First, I have them on top of a heating pad, its on high... is this to hot? and how long should I keep them on heating pad for. I misted them pretty good already, from now on how much water do they need? as long as I keep soil moist am I good? because if so im just going to mist them pretty good twice a day. Also I only have 1, 60 watt lamp on them, it has a nice reflective top on it tho, and white walls, this be ample light to get them rooted? after they root im getting them outside, so im not trying to do the whole grow on 60 watts. Let me know what you guys think, thanks : )


Well-Known Member
Misting is rarely as good as a humidity dome, if your rooting them in soil they will take a bit longer then some of the other methods available (rockwool, rapid-rooters) so a humidity dome is advisable, if not necessary. Use a thermometer to determine the soil temperature and make sure it does not go above 80F or below 70F, Low Medium and High arent really acurate to determine the proper temp.


Well-Known Member
You know how to make those humidity domes? heard one with 2liter bottle but I cant seem to find it now.. if you know, would be helpful


Well-Known Member
Simply cut the top off a 2 liter soda bottle and stick it over the plants, pretty simple and it works... just make sure to use a clear bottle and lift it each day to let it breathe.


Well-Known Member
humm.. I was under the impression that you cut the bottom off.... So that the part that you would drink out of is facing up. Maybe I am wrong though, but seems to make more sence. Maybe thats what you meant by top though. :) thanks for help though refreshed my memory a bit, didnt know it was that simple, just cut and place lol


Well-Known Member
Ok out of three clones, 2 of them, the leaves are really droopy.. the other one, the biggest clone is still standing nice, its stem was bigger then the other two, and taller. The two clones however, the leaves are curling up, but its also droopy.. bit yellow, not sure if this is water is suppose to happen, I know they are suppose to turn yellow, but they look kinda bad. Any help, sooner the better :)


Well-Known Member
I really need this question answered fast as I have 3 clones, 2 of which are bout to die. Do you need to have a hole in the humidity dome?? I have 2 liter bottom on it, but no cap. I thought you suppose to have a hole so it could breathe. However I saw on one guys posts pictures of his, and he had no holes. just 2 cups one rightside up, and hte other upside down on the other one, so it made a little dome. I need this answered, and home inmportant is a humidity dome? 2 of mine are not in one, should I make them one, and should I have hole at top, or cap the 2liter??? Also how much should I water them? I mist them abunch, but not alot, just get leaves wet. Also some of leaves look like they are shrivling up. Could be a light burn, so I moved lights a bit farther away. Using 2 60watt cfls.


the leafs can curl and wilt, and even yellow, some may die and fall off. the clone i just got rooted took about 12 days to root, and it looks real bad. high heating pad is probobly too hot. even low got mine to warm. humidity is important for faster/efficient rooting, i still like to keep airflow - others dont.

if your going to check it on 3 times a day you wont need air flow, moving the dome will be fine.


Well-Known Member
hmmm. Do you have 3 clones or 3 cuttings? It sounds like 3 cuttings. Once a cutting is rooted it is a clone.


Ok I am going to make 2 more humidty domes, or actually.. if I can fit all in same one, will this do?
sure, just make sure they arent crowded inside, if you have lots of leafs touching under that humidity it will invite mold faster. so make sure you refresh the air.


Well-Known Member
three cuttings. I couldnt fit all threw in 1, so I just made 2 more humidity domes out of water bottles. 2 of the clones look decent, and 1 is all shrivled up. I took 2 of them on my roof just now, biggest one is still under light. You think I should bring all of them on roof? really sunny out, and Im thinking heat will be good for them. Not sure if there are any cons to this though. If you guys know any bad putting them out in the sun for a couple hours, then moving them back under the light.. please tell


Well-Known Member
im well looking forward to cloning my white widows,just trying to get the mother really strong and healthy


Well-Known Member
Here are the pictures of my clones

those takin on the roof, gettin some sunlight : ) really sunny where i live

With the humidity domes on, they are usually in those

thats the realy clone I took, the two small ones were just clippings off this one, I knows your not suppose to do that, but what the hell. I cut it right above, and right below a node, heard you can get a double plant type clone from this

this is with the humidity dome I have on it. and the light im using.

They arent looking that great right now lol, so any help would be lovely :)


they are looking real horrible man, i dont know what type of light your using, but you may not want to use the sun.

the object of the game is keeping the cutting alive while it roots, one way is keeping humidity, but also fresh air and no mold. another is less light, less light = less photosynthesis, in this stage we dont want our cutting burning up all our nutes. 1 42 watt cfl can illuminate many many clones. incandescent bulbs simply won't do.

Those clones look real rough, i'm afraid i don't have anything good to say about them except one is still green. the others look like all of the foilage has died.


Well-Known Member
hahah russ, atleast your keepin it real man. Yeh I dont know what to do. But the whole project was kinda destined to fail. For 1.), Mother plant already started budding, 2.) the clippings werent from the main branch, becuase I couldnt get a branch from the main stem. 3.) im using some weird looking like. 60 watt kinda like a lamp, you know the ones that clip on to your bed, so you can read lol? yeh its kinda like that, but it has a reflective top on it. Im keeping them moist though, and im just goign to hold out as long as I can. Praying man, praying.