Well, There are Huge quantities of Wild Weed in the Omaha rural area, Most of Rural Iowa, Tons in Southern Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. The fields are usually 100' by 1-200' and been there so long there is no grass or weeds mixed in and the Females grow in excess of 3# of weed on a 15' plant. Usually Loaded with seeds and look like Spruce trees. There are literally thousands of acres growing in plain sight. Often but not always growing right along blacktop roads. I travel the midwest so I happen to notice it and check it out often. Some friends and I ( in our youth ) have hauled out garbage bags and trunk loads of this stuff prior to being in the know on when to harvest. Never dried it right or cured the buds so we really never got high on it. This year I will check tricomes and try to harvest an early unpollinated cola and see what I get. Funny though..every year the goofy ass Cops will cut down a field that is in plain view ( has to be in public view ) And they have the news paper out there recording what they call a Pot Burn worth over a $1,000,000 on the street. Way to go guys!!!