White Widow day 27 flowering(pics)


Well-Known Member
hey guys heres my white widow feminized from nirvana on day 28 lookin all sexy n shit :) lemme kno wat u think thanks

6 27 daylight spectrum CFL's

big bloom tiger bloom nutes

foxfarm organic soil

feed every other watering



Active Member
Nice healthy looking plants. :clap:

How long did you veg? How much smoke do you expect to get off of those?

I started some WW seeds a little bit ago, I want to see what I can do with them, Ive never tried them before. I have always used all clones.


Well-Known Member
well i vegged for about 3 weeks and i believe i should get an O off her there are 5 smaller colas and 1 MAIN on the main one is prolly ... 6 -8 inches tall and the other 5 are about 5 inches tall and they are all pretty dense already and still have long time to go

i will flower untill day 80 and start adding molases next weeks so hopefully i get an O if not more


Well-Known Member
VERY nice plant dude!!!

Have you had any problems using Big Bloom / Tiger Bloom every other watering??? I'm on day 19 of 12/12 with my plants (from bagseed from some very good mids) and I've been alternating, Molasses in the water one time then AN Big Bud the other time. So far no visible issues, but I'm afraid of going too far with the nutes (I accidentally killed 3 plants early in this grow by giving them too much nute. Thankfully a good flushing saved the rest, but it delayed everything by a week or so.). Also, are you using the recommended concentration or are you running 1/2 strength or something like that??

Just curious


Well-Known Member
im using a little less then the reccommended full strength dosses and i have never had a problem with the fox farm products they have made my harvests 100 % better


Well-Known Member
yo bro im currently doing my first grow(all fox farm products.) so far im loving Happy frog soil. You never cease to amaze me with the amount of cfls you use. I followed your last grow and it was amazing and this one is just as good. Keep up the good work. Gotta love them cfls.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks norm apreciate it bro glad to know ur following my grows :) cant wait till january when i can harvest this baby :) gonna be an exciting day for me


Active Member
hey guys heres my white widow feminized from nirvana on day 28 lookin all sexy n shit :) lemme kno wat u think thanks

6 27 daylight spectrum CFL's

big bloom tiger bloom nutes

foxfarm organic soil

feed every other watering

Looks great! amazing
Hey so did you do anything special to get such beauty crystals? or genetically this plants has them like that...??

is it possible to have white widow, mistreat it a bit and have no crystals?


Well-Known Member
Nice budz you got there the plants lookin great. Im on my second run with white widow from nirvana. Awesome strain in my opinion. keep it up bra. happy growin.


Active Member
Nice grow man ur gna have a nice harvest..,I don't know what strain to choose next I might go with white widow or some kind of kush..nice plant


Active Member
Nice grow man ur gna have a nice harvest..,I don't know what strain to choose next I might go with white widow or some kind of kush..nice plant


Well-Known Member
Looks great! amazing
Hey so did you do anything special to get such beauty crystals? or genetically this plants has them like that...??

is it possible to have white widow, mistreat it a bit and have no crystals?

it is the strain /// white widow strain is VERY crystally i have done nothing different from other grows :)