White widow day 31 in flower

the plant looks great! How long it flowers depends on many variables. You are still way to early to even be thinking about the end, that plant has MANY more weeks to go. The white widow I used to run took 10-11 weeks for a proper finish.
Did you flush? I am getting pros n cons on that. Im leaning towards no, but input would be appreaciated


Well-Known Member
Did you flush? I am getting pros n cons on that. Im leaning towards no, but input would be appreaciated
When I was growing the white widow I was still doing lots of experiments in my garden. I flushed some I didn’t flush others, I ran the experiment for several grow cycles to determine if other variables were impacting my outcome. I did lots of reading in NON-cannabis related literature to learn more about biology and actual plant growth.

I stopped flushing years ago. Based on all the results I got and saw other people getting flushing serves no purpose as part of a harvest regimen. Don’t feed your plant more then they need in the first place. More nutrients does not equal bigger buds.
When I was growing the white widow I was still doing lots of experiments in my garden. I flushed some I didn’t flush others, I ran the experiment for several grow cycles to determine if other variables were impacting my outcome. I did lots of reading in NON-cannabis related literature to learn more about biology and actual plant growth.

I stopped flushing years ago. Based on all the results I got and saw other people getting flushing serves no purpose as part of a harvest regimen. Don’t feed your plant more then they need in the first place. More nutrients does not equal bigger buds.
Ty for the input. So my hunch was correct. No flushing