White Widow Germination


Well-Known Member
Day 4

Well its been 4 days since I started germinating these white widow seeds.

They are all 1" - 1 1/4" tall with healthy looking stems.



Well-Known Member
How far are they away from the lights? I never get growth like that unless there stretching (lack of light).. mine usually stay low to soil and grow very bushy..


Well-Known Member
well I am using a little bit of liquid seaweed, which makes the roots grow dramatically.
My lights are 5" away from the top of the little sprouts.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday before I came home, they were about 1 1/2" tall.
So by tomorro, they should be around 2 or 3", hoepfully:D:D


Well-Known Member
Much faster then mine grow. Mine dont grow tall worth crap all mine grow really close to each other.. if mine were spaced out like yours yeah mine would be like 3/4 inches tall and my one that died would be like 10-15.. lol

Lower your lights =slightly maybe? Depends really on the lumens of the light your using.. I have mine aroudn 2-3 inches from top of my plants.. but they generate a bit of heat.. (more then usuall) and burn my hand to touch them oddly enough.... CFL Daylights tho.. lol


Well-Known Member
I came home after a day of not seeing my lil girls.

1 was perky as can be, very tall. about 2"
the other 2 were rather sloopin over, or have fallen down:(

here are the pics:

When I get my Air pump + air stones, Ill be putting these girls into this home-made hydroponic system:D:D

Wutcha think?
Any tips would be great!


Well-Known Member
1,) take those elastic bands of the rockwool, the roots will not be forming well in that compressed rockwool

2,) have a fan blowing on them and make sure they get blown around a little but not too hard

3,) how big are those net pots because i'm near certain that you will do well to fit that many plants in that system and have space, you could use the middle ones for checking nutes and filling with water, but the corner one would be easier for that


Well-Known Member
all 3 are now in the garbage.
I left for the weekend and came back and they were dead.

1st attempt on growing white widows from seeds is a Fail:(


Well-Known Member
Blazin, don't give up. Just try something other than the rock wool cubes. They suck! Oasis Horticubes can be ordered off the net. They are much easier than rock wool. I have 100% success with them for cuttings and seeds, as long as things are done right and I use viable seeds. I see a lot of folks on this forum using methods and materials that must have been invented by some nut case hiding in a cave somewhere. Honestly it is distressing to hear so many noobs and somewhat experienced growers having problems with seedlings and clones because they adhere to these arcain methods of sprouting and growing plants in rock wool with watering done with eye droppers and measured in ml's. If you have some bag seed, maybe use them for practice before using the expensive mail order variety. Better luck on the next "gro-round" and keep us posted as to the results.


Well-Known Member
ya they were going good, then i left for 2 days, came back and 2 of them were fallen over. so i left them and they wetn getting any better,
then the last one i came back and it was sooo crisp.

oh well:(

I'm getting a heatmat soon.


Well-Known Member
Oasis cubes, propogater tray w/high clear cover, heat mat, cool lamps like one 24" cheap Gro Lux flouro, drop your seeds into the open hole already in the cube, leave it open, don't compress it around your seed or cutting, (pre-wet the cubes before use), place in the prop. tray, pour tap water in so the cubes are kept damp, not drowning, cover, place on heat mat, put lights right down to the cover, keep damp, your in biz. You can safely leave these for a few days at a time if you just dump in enough water to keep them damp while you are gone. Don't ever let the cubes get dry! D'oh! You want humidity to make condensation on the inside of the cover and things will pop almost before your eyes. Keep them (cuts or seedlings) damp and let the roots grow till they are popping out all over the cube! This way you never touch the plants, they will grow tough and bushy inside the cover and should be nice and healthy when it is time to transplant. When you are ready and there are roots showing on all cubes, transplant them into your final grow medium, place them deep into the medium in case they are long and stringy, keep watered, low dose nutes right away if hydro (plus you may have to top water for a few if hydro). Keep the cover on the tray the whole time you are letting roots grow, opening occasionally to dribble in some water. Don't worry about putting them under a fan until transplanted. Oasis® Horticubes Order a sheet of these cubes, break off a couple, buy some tomato seeds at the store, practice with them. They won't make roots quite the same as "Nirvana's" but will give you some practice placing the seeds and watering them to germinate properly. It is so easy! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I had plants that drooper like that. All you have to do is prop them back up with a toothpick and let them grow over night should help alot.. and i had a fan on mine so might have helped too.


Well-Known Member
When i got my ww seeds i germinated all 10 for 24 Hours, i put 7 of them in my AG in 2 in soil. Leaving me with 1 seed. 6 of them in my ag did'nt make it. Planted the 1 left and it's not making it either. Got 1 healthy ww in my AG and to healthy ww plants in soil. The soil was my backup. WW seeds cost $money$. I fill the rest with haze seeds in the AG. The next time i'am going to wait a little longer when germinating them. https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/15507-white-widow-aero-grow.html


Well-Known Member
Maybe his roots got expose to light? or didnt have any more room to grow. Or just too much water.
nope, there wasnt any roots out of the rockwool cube yet.
for some reason, I left for a day.
came back, they have fallen over.
and could not get back up:(


Well-Known Member
Well I had one that had a very thin stem. When I leaned it against a roleld up paper I made sure that it couldnt fall back down by leaning the top over the paper like "/|" and then droopng top over top of paper.. that kept it standing up. I just gave it very little water and everything was okay.