White Widow (Greenhouse Seed co.) Aerogarden Veggie Pro FIRST FIVE WEEKS (PICS!)


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, so I decided to only grow one plant. It's five weeks into it and I must say it is going swimmingly. I picked white widow from greenhouse seed co because it was a cannabis cup winner and a popular choice for breeding in many award winning strains. I am using the BC grow kit from technaflora for the nutrients. I've heard of people getting nute burns from using the exact directions in the box, but mine has done great. I use syringes to measure precisely (i work in a family practice clinic.) Here we go:




WEEK 4; Flowering Begins

WEEK 5; Flowering Week 2

Okay so Edith (the plant) didn't look so good. This is due to the fact that I left for the rally in DC for 5 days and when I returned the water was dangerously low. She has since perked back up and looks beautiful again.

Thats all the technical details for now. I will post a WEEK 6; Flowering Week 3 photo and any updates I may have next Wednesday, Nov 10th, on Edith's 6th birthday.

I want to explain the name of the plant. Edith Wilson was the wife of Woodrow Wilson and she became a Widow eventually after President Wilson became incapacitated and Edith ran the country as an unofficial steward. I enjoy US History so I just thought it fitting to name it after one of the most kick ass ladies in history.


Well-Known Member
Flowering Week 3

I'm very excited to see how well Edith is coming along. I should have done/used (grammar?) LST on her but I've only recently learned about it.


Well-Known Member
The main bud site has a smell coming from it! Oh god, it's a blessed whiff. I have started LST 4 weeks into flowering by pulling the main cola down and slightly towards the front. The leaves and bud sites have adjusted to the light and it doesn't look stressed at all. Please give advice as necessary. This is my first grow and I'm always operating under the assumption that every move I make could KILL my baby.

I've uploaded a few pics of this week.

An overview pic


an overview of the bud sites


close ups on the bud sites (with a cell phone camera) the second one being the original main bud site

Thanks for viewing.


Well-Known Member
I missed last week posts due to thanksgiving festivites (smoking and eating). Over my holiday, I finally put some mylar in the box and added a 45watt cfl at 5500k. The buds aren't developing as fast I had hoped, but I think its just me getting anxious about the plant. I'll get a macro cam from my friend for next week to show you what they're looking like.

The main cola has been handling the lst well. It's bent all the way towards the side and its giving light to all the areas on the cola. See pic

This has left room for the rest of the bottom bud sites to grow easier. The light hasn't caused any burns but I'm going to have to continue to use ties and junk to keep that from happening.



Well-Known Member
First, I need to drop in a quick qualifier for what I'm about to explain. This is my first grow.

I neglected to keep the plant from reaching the lights. The Main cola is gone. Many of the large other buds died as well. I cut all the dead stuff off and this is what was left.

Some of you reading this will look at the earlier pictures and say, "How?" I lost quite a bit of it, I think, due to stress as well as buds hitting the lights.

So. Everything looks good now. The ph got a little out of whack the last week and some of the leaves are brown but I cleaned out the reservoir last night (dead roots) and it's already looking a little better.

The buds are getting a little more mature so I'm going to switch it to 6/18 (6 on) for the last two weeks. I read on greenhouse seeds that this will help the white widow grow more white trichomes. Currently, there are some white dots on it, but not really significant and it can't be seen on my cell camera. Here is a closer shot of the [now] largest bud.

I'm really hoping to get a quarter of this plant, but I'm not even sure I'll get that. Feel free to comment.