
Active Member
Hello Folks
Hope you all keeping well, like I know u are if your puffing.. Go roll a big fat one as this is LLLLOOONNNNGG

Been a while since I dropped in but heres the update just in case anyone thougt I’d shuffled off the mortal coil.

Flowering under 250 enviro red spec since 23rd August, so that’s 2 months. Today was there first flush/feed with only distilled/rain water from the back yard. Still watering every 3 to 4 days, I just don’t feel comfortable overdoing it with the nutes and syrup now. I do water them well until they are draining at the bottom. I usually have to mop up about a quarter of what I put in them

I’ll tend to ramble on …sorreee….but here goes….
The Bud box is brilliant, but defo NOT for this strain of white widow. The plants seem to be “squashed for room, and they are damn tall nearly all sitting at over 6ft, apart from one that stopped at about 3.5ft, they seem to be skinny but there are multiple bud sites, but not compact..is it tooo early yet..help.. ones at the top are doing ok but ones on the bottom are stuck for light. I now have the biggest ones pulled over to try and get some more lumes on them. I think next I’m going to have to top the plants or something as I still have 10 white widow seeds and ten mystery seeds to grow from start and learn, so am gonna need to get learn about pruning/topping and keeping the darn ladies form shooting up through the roof. The enviro rocks for stealth and power consumption but I do believe if I was aiming for bigger yields, or selling on the harvest for profit, then I suppose the HD/MH set-up is the best option… But I just need it for me and my pains…I just can risk burning my house down or have cops spot me with an Infrared gadjet..nuff said.

I am sceptical about a high yield judging by the plants at the moment, but as its only 60 days me thinks it’s a tad too early. Consensus says white widow only needs 8 weeks of flowering.mmmmmmmmm…not too sure about that pertaining to my setup… but me tends to think there might be a bit of growth to do yet, ..I was thinking (after reading another post in the harvesting and curing section) ..could I like do 2 or maybe 3 harvests?.you see the buds at top are producing white trichomes with some going that dark browny red colour, AND THEY ARE DAMN FRIGGIN TALL FFS..seems also to be a bit of a debate about the types of high from harvesting white to dark trichomes but I don’t really care to much about that. Maximum yield as best I can, as long as I get the pain relief so much the better, but I do like any high..lol..

I thought about harvesting the top parts of the plants, pruning aways some of the non to important big leaves and bringing the enviro closer down to the bud sites that are being deprived light. I have looked this up and there seems to be a bit of that thing going on but there are so many conflicting opinions. WHEN SHOULD I attempt this I am wondering..pfffffft…. I did read a post about the lady in Canada who grew 6 plants outdoors and she’s already taken about 6 harvests from them..and there still growing and producing lovely bud. Maybe the strain just likes outdoors, I dunno..she doesn’t know the strain…sigh….

Help anyone..answers on a post card..

Yea I really do need some advice,, my bones tell me that time is coming close, but as a dribbling newbie I don’t wanna do anything drastic until consulting some of you pros out there in ganja hyperspace. I still got plenty of learning to do so help me please. any advice most appreciated. PEACE TO YOU ALL




New Member
Yes. I thought the very same thing but didn't wan tot say anything. This is a great set up and well thought out.

I think your plant soil is a tad too moist.
Great journaling .
nice lookin plants but there kind of droopy maybe a water issue


Active Member
Hey Lacy
Many thanks for the e lightning reply back lacy. wow internet man..Yea the soil being moist, the BudBox being too small for 6 babies in small pots. I think this is where the probs are including the enviro light, which needs to be very close. The babies are in small pots far to small for the strain. I really should have researched the strains more before ordering but there you go. Again thanks for the kind comments. Your posts are very informative btw..speak to you soon

Peace man, talk to you soon. Cheers



Well-Known Member
Yeah in the first shot you can see a seed pod, in the second picture you can see your problem area, There be nuts my son.



Active Member
Wow, I was taking things for granted there, but glad you pointed that out to me cuase honest Iwas not looking..what a feckin newbie I am lol.. No worries, just as well I wasnt trying to clone. I still rekon I'll get a good smoke from em..seeds and all like..wada ya think m8 ?


Well-Known Member
those sacks I highlighted to you haven't popped yet, if they do your going to get a whole bunch of seeds, you can see that from their position right above all those pistils. I'd check all your plants pretty thoroughly, don't get me wrong, your still going to get some smoke out of it, but the seeds are no good for smoking so the less seeds you get the more smoke your going to get. Its more about damage limitation now. if that one with the nuts is the only one like it, you may want to consider harvesting it pretty soon to prevent the other plants from getting seeded also.

Smoking unformed green seeds gives you a headache.

Sorry to be the bearer of such shitty news.


Well-Known Member
I'd probably kill the one you have with balls on it. If you don't he'll get all your girls pregnant and your bud will go from chronic to stress.


Active Member
mmmm ..ok I'll go and have a good look at em all now. Thanks for that guys,, good to know I got a wake up call, and dont worry about being the nearer of shitty news m8. This is my first time grow so I'm still learnin. Anyways if I have to harvest a few now, so much the better for rooms sake. I'll keep you updated in a jiffy. Thanks again guys..your a gr8 help.



Active Member
well the bad news is I think there all gilry boys lol,, oh well better luck next time. I have topped the plants down to the height off the lowest, see how the remaining plants fair out..will keep you posted.. pruned and hung the cuttings in a box on string to dry out dunno what sort of smoke they will be, but no worries folks..long runs the fox..
peace out


Well-Known Member

Sorry for such a late reply I ben real busy lately on other things so my growing has taken a back seat for a while, but I'm all set-up on hydro grow II now.

I think the bud nox is perfect for WW personally but I am doing hydro, I think yours have been stretched somehow maybe you had the light too far away at some stage? Mine were nice & compact/bushy but I used a HPS when they flowered. I think if you just use the envirolight or MH for vegging & a HPS for flowering you'll get much better results. My partner in crime has just bought his 1st grow tent & FUCK ME!!!!! I have never seen growth like it -not even on ths forum! He's doing a budbox hydro grow with 2 x 10 Litre DWC with 2 x Northern Lights from Sensi Seeds (where I got mine) they have Exploded in growth & the stem is as wide as a 50p piece the foliar growth is amazing not one sgn of nute burn or anything!! I'l lget some pics up soon - This is his 1st grow & the results left me stunned...made mine look average to say the least. He got bout 3 weeks left til harvest so the lucky git will have a nice yield for crimbo!

Speak soon & I'll be quicker on the reply next time mate!


Active Member
hey all
i got some lowryders on the go ... 7 babies at about 20 days and first lady is casting aside her modesty LMAO BTW..these baby lowryders are FASZZZT... 1st batch of white widow was a bunch of girly boys ..hermys true & true...no matter.... I cured and smoked it all...ha ha... leaves and all..even branches and stalks ..millions of seeds too,, whoch I also smoked...ha ha ha ha..forget war stories about seeds giving you headaches..trust me 6 hermy's ..absolutely mind blowing... enough smoke for about 3 or 4 months...no nerve pains...no epy fits ..no worries...just good smoke...TOTALLY PAIN FREEEEEEE.....CFL's rock for the novice/newbie/home, personal grower..respect to all and everyone who made it possible..have not renewed my medical prescription since July 2007..f***ing awesome..max respect...promise to upload pics soon. Peace all..respect
