White Widow Journey (First Grow)

Hey guys i started growing my WW on April 12th. It is about 18 days old now. I am proud to say i have a healthy plant. I started it from seed and germinated and planted myself. I have kept the room at 75-80 degrees F, with about 50-70% humidity. She started in a plastic powerade bottle for about a week and a half and now she is in a 5 gallon and will be transplanted once more before she settles. Im using LED's and its giving me great results. The heat is a strong factor but nothing i can't maintain. Let me know what i can do guys! I could really use the feedback and tips. This is my first grow!(: Look forward to learning more.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i started growing my WW on April 12th. It is about 18 days old now. I am proud to say i have a healthy plant. I started it from seed and germinated and planted myself. I have kept the room at 75-80 degrees F, with about 50-70% humidity. She started in a plastic powerade bottle for about a week and a half and now she is in a 5 gallon and will be transplanted once more before she settles. Im using LED's and its giving me great results. The heat is a strong factor but nothing i can't maintain. Let me know what i can do guys! I could really use the feedback and tips. This is my first grow!(: Look forward to learning more.
you can follow a detailed grow step by step if u like peace https://www.rollitup.org/t/360wled-veg-600whps-flower-full-coco-run.963535/


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i started growing my WW on April 12th. It is about 18 days old now. I am proud to say i have a healthy plant. I started it from seed and germinated and planted myself. I have kept the room at 75-80 degrees F, with about 50-70% humidity. She started in a plastic powerade bottle for about a week and a half and now she is in a 5 gallon and will be transplanted once more before she settles. Im using LED's and its giving me great results. The heat is a strong factor but nothing i can't maintain. Let me know what i can do guys! I could really use the feedback and tips. This is my first grow!(: Look forward to learning more.
Will you use the same container with more soil down the road ? I guess would have been worth getting some 1 or 2 gal pot and then transplant to your 5gal pot.. but not a big deal.. i would also look at drilling hole in your current pot if you can will create a homemade air pot will allow more to your soil/roots you also want to have some airlfow for your plant will help bud stronger stem.. i dont think they are getting much right now because the side of the pot block the airflow..

You can look at my grow journal im close to finish my 7 WW and posted pictures almost everyday during veg if ever you want to compare.. 75-80F is good temp as long as you leave it there..

Also the powerade bottle not sure.. arent they transparent? You dont want clear plastic because light will get to your roots which is not good which is why lots of people start in party cup..

As for the rest it looks good keep us posted and let us know if you need any help! Good luck with your grow :bigjoint:
Will you use the same container with more soil down the road ? I guess would have been worth getting some 1 or 2 gal pot and then transplant to your 5gal pot.. but not a big deal.. i would also look at drilling hole in your current pot if you can will create a homemade air pot will allow more to your soil/roots you also want to have some airlfow for your plant will help bud stronger stem.. i dont think they are getting much right now because the side of the pot block the airflow..

You can look at my grow journal im close to finish my 7 WW and posted pictures almost everyday during veg if ever you want to compare.. 75-80F is good temp as long as you leave it there..

Also the powerade bottle not sure.. arent they transparent? You dont want clear plastic because light will get to your roots which is not good which is why lots of people start in party cup..

As for the rest it looks good keep us posted and let us know if you need any help! Good luck with your grow :bigjoint:
Thank you so much for this great information. I didn’t know you couldn’t use a clear container, that was me being a rookie(: I will definitely look at yours. And I do plan on planting her in the same container with a a lot more soil and I’ll remember to drill holes for the air flow. This is great.
Will you use the same container with more soil down the road ? I guess would have been worth getting some 1 or 2 gal pot and then transplant to your 5gal pot.. but not a big deal.. i would also look at drilling hole in your current pot if you can will create a homemade air pot will allow more to your soil/roots you also want to have some airlfow for your plant will help bud stronger stem.. i dont think they are getting much right now because the side of the pot block the airflow..

You can look at my grow journal im close to finish my 7 WW and posted pictures almost everyday during veg if ever you want to compare.. 75-80F is good temp as long as you leave it there..

Also the powerade bottle not sure.. arent they transparent? You dont want clear plastic because light will get to your roots which is not good which is why lots of people start in party cup..

As for the rest it looks good keep us posted and let us know if you need any help! Good luck with your grow :bigjoint:
How can I add to my thread? To post my progress?


Well-Known Member
You can either just reply here if you expect to do it every once in a while only.. otherwise just "report" your message and ask to be moved into the grow journal section.. and then you can post there everyday uodate if you want