White widow - main shaft pods


My widow is at about 6 weeks flowering/budding and looking great. What are the pods right off the main shaft with a couple amber pistils shooting out of them. They are only on the top half of the plant. Are these more buds coming in really late or what?

Also -

can people please tell me what the smell of white widow (plant) reminds you of at this age?
Mine has such a unique smell right now as i am yet to flush her before harvest in 2-3 weeks.
This is what she smells like to me.....decoration soap!!! Those little soaps shaped as flowers etc.!!! It took me a long time to think of the smell but it is either that or the smell of a virgin's panties fresh out of the bath.


Active Member
pre flowers....they were there since your 4-5 week of veggying....its the first sign of a plants sex...They are there before you put ur plant into flowering, some people put there plant into flowering to get them to find out the plants sex..how did u get this far without knowing that, is my question lmao....well congrats that u did haha


Well-Known Member
Wow, before your little tantrum i would have been polite and helpful... Now im going to call you a childish idiot and move on to the next thread, you don't belong here.


and to the rest of you insecure haters out there....you think you know everything....but i get the last laugh when i am vapin up my lovely white widow for free while you all are buyin mexican bricks! After that i will be enjoying my lsd....and after that nypd....after that kush!
Thats right! I said it!! I am set for free weed suckas!! Not to mention all the dough and laughs i will be havin as you knowitallassholes are sittin here on this webpage all alone like the losers that you are, smokin your reggie brick weed and fantasizing about being "someone"


Active Member
Wow, before your little tantrum i would have been polite and helpful... Now im going to call you a childish idiot and move on to the next thread, you don't belong here.
wow. would say he belongs here and u dont.its a legit question...u loozers that 'THInK' u no it all would be nowere without the internet and all yer cut and paste answeres..try bieng an experienced adult gardener before you pretend to be an expert (cut and paste grower).......back in the day there was no internet, we learned to be expert gardeners before we became growers.....something that clearly most here have no clue of......one day if you ever understand ecosystems and any basic gardening concepts, you WILL truly look back at these times and be embarrassed by your clear medeocraty and lack of wisdom.......cut and paste that fools.

The Growery

Active Member
dude is outta control, maybe the mods can suspend him for breaking ToA - inciting arguments, personal attacks.