White widow month and half grow veg from seeds , what do you think ? 300w cfl

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
may need to get them into a bigger container so the roots can spread out they look a bit delayed , i have some that size that are three weeks from seed , they look healthy just growing slow


New Member
Looks healthy, good grow. Don't see anything out of the ordinary. Do you still need to support them with the sticks? If you are not already, get a light breeze on them to toughen them up so they can support themselves. Just an observation.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys
Hope ur all gd ,

this is my 2nd grow indoor ,

was wondering if u guys think it s all gd for a month and half grow ,

started them from seeds

what u guys think

thanks ,
Yeah, put them in bigger pots man. I've got plants this size in my grow at Day 12 from seed under 312 watts of CFL. They are stunting, probably root bound.


Thanks fellas ,
So u reckon bigger pots eh ,, ?

thanks for the advise ,

shall i wait until the roots get strong and around cause maybe i had transfer them to this pots maybe 2 weeks ago ,or shall i go straight away ?

dont know if it s me because i see them every day , but kind of they were growing slow i taught , (what do you think ?)

i m watering them (soil ) like every 5- 7 days ,, and spray water on them in between
Also today i started some fert (miracle grow )

@patlpp no they dont need stick , i just left it there :) ,,but very good point of yours ,

Thanks heaps all of you ,

will keep you updated in a week ,,

Thanks very much again to all , much appreciated brothers



Well-Known Member
Thanks fellas ,
So u reckon bigger pots eh ,, ?

thanks for the advise ,

shall i wait until the roots get strong and around cause maybe i had transfer them to this pots maybe 2 weeks ago ,or shall i go straight away ?

dont know if it s me because i see them every day , but kind of they were growing slow i taught , (what do you think ?)

i m watering them (soil ) like every 5- 7 days ,, and spray water on them in between
Also today i started some fert (miracle grow )

@patlpp no they dont need stick , i just left it there :) ,,but very good point of yours ,

Thanks heaps all of you ,

will keep you updated in a week ,,

Thanks very much again to all , much appreciated brothers

I don't know what soil your using, is it pre-fertilized? If it isn't my recommendation would be go ahead and transplant into bigger pots. (try and work with 1 gallon per foot of growth, pretty good rule of thumb) let them adjust to the new pot for 5-7 days then go ahead and begin a nutrient regiment (follow the directions on your miracle grow, I recommend 1/4 - 1/2 dose to start and work your way up into full doses) If your using pre-fertilized soil like Miracle Grow with time release then I wouldn't use any nutes through it's veg cycle (unless you plan to veg for a couple months or more) I use miracle grow potting mix and don't run a nutrient regiment until well after 1 month of veg and I don't go over 1/2 recommended dosage.

Keep us posted and good luck


I don't know what soil your using, is it pre-fertilized? If it isn't my recommendation would be go ahead and transplant into bigger pots. (try and work with 1 gallon per foot of growth, pretty good rule of thumb) let them adjust to the new pot for 5-7 days then go ahead and begin a nutrient regiment (follow the directions on your miracle grow, I recommend 1/4 - 1/2 dose to start and work your way up into full doses) If your using pre-fertilized soil like Miracle Grow with time release then I wouldn't use any nutes through it's veg cycle (unless you plan to veg for a couple months or more) I use miracle grow potting mix and don't run a nutrient regiment until well after 1 month of veg and I don't go over 1/2 recommended dosage.

Keep us posted and good luck

MAte u are a living legend
what u said really make sense to me and looks like u know what ur doing ,

thank you so much for you advise, if ur close by i pass a bong to you when they r done .

This forum kick ass brothers , awesome ,

gd luck to all of you mates

boom ,!!


Active Member
clones 003.jpgpics 2010 011.jpgThis was my widows Dec.10th

clones 010.jpgThis is the same plant a few days ago. More light is needed I think. No expert here.


Active Member
Torichan - please don't transplant them yet, you'll only risk damaging the roots, the pot size is clearly not the problem because they're bigger than the plants!!! You can grow a plant to double the size of the medium you're using without any problems. As princesshigh says, it could be your lights, what are you using and how far are they away from the light?


Hi fellas ,

Chrisopher \ Princess high

Thanks for your concern on my ladies ,

I m getting a bit confused here now !! but anyways it s good to hear different opinions ,

1 .Ok so i m using a 300 watts CfL (dual spectrum ) with power plant reflector , runing 18/6
2. I had an accident i broke my light the 300watts ,, and i did a shitty setup for a week until i got a new 300 w

Still seeing other pic like princess i m sure that i have a slow grow ,,

The ladies in the beginning they were struggling a bit when they were seedling like first 3 weeks ..

Now looks that passed that period of fragile u guys know what i mean

question is what could be ,,i think the 1st 3 weeks ,, plus light change and broken it was a repercussion (stress to the plants ,, = slow growth ,,

But i think i will damge the roots if i transplant , as the roots will have more space to grow bigger , (maybe i m wrong ) please if there is any expert here on this let me know his opinion
will be very happy to listen advises ,

What u guys reckon ?

Thanks a lot
all of you ,,


Active Member
Hi Torichan, I'm actually quite a newbie to growing but I do know that it's harder to transplant a plant when the roots haven't yet filled the soil, you risk losing soil plus roots when you take it out of the pot. Your plants don't look like they're stretching too much so you probably have your plants near enough to the light, but depending on how near your light is it might be worth bringing it down a little bit (you can have it reasonably close I think). The all-important thing is it looks green and healthy so it'll probably pick up growth very soon. Be patient and it'll be alright I think. Keep us posted though. I'm also growing White Widow, but the cheap Nirvana version, where did you get your seeds from?


Ok looks lke that the ladies picked up now , seeing photos from th 24th of this month u can see they are more are getting more full

here is how they look now , :)

Also i m trying LST and tomorrow need to re pot the other 2 ladies
Any comments for improving is welcome

Thanks Buddies


Active Member
Looking good. Get those other two repotted.

You should fill the pots with medium up to the top, it will go down a bit with the first watering. Also bury the plants to the first leaves, even the one in the square pot should be filled up to the first leaves, just add more medium. This will help keep them sturdy towards the end of flowering.
