White Widow My First Grow


Well-Known Member
Ratty.....awesome awesome pics....I love those marcos....very cool! thanks for sharing those with us all!


Too many brownies
When those hairs start turning brown and you get to be around 9 weeks of flower I would say they are done... :peace::mrgreen:

But definitely not even close to ready right now


Well-Known Member
Day 27 of flowering. The ladies seem happy all is looking good. Buds are getting nice and big. I'm lovin it!! Now as long as I can keep them alive I'll be happy. All comments welcome!!



Well-Known Member
Damn it I thought I had it beat, but now there are dark spots on some of the top leaves, the yellow is still spreading but slowly. the ph/nutrient tester I ordered isnt here yet, I dont know what to do. they look so nice it would be a shame to have them die!!


Well-Known Member
dang...those pics are awesome.

Dark spots? pics? the yellowing seems to me natural die off as the plant matures? but the other....not sure what to say?


Active Member
looks good,i would look into a 600 watt cool deluxe conversion bulb(sunmaster)for veg. i wouldnt foilar feed though could lead to more problems like bud rot or worse poping your bulb.looking at your set up i didnt see or hear what ur doing for co2 or if ur using any at all.anyhow how much u think ull harvest?


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, there not going to die...haha.

Your doing much better than you give your self credit for.
Leaves will naturally show deficiencies as more energy is
put into the buds...

They look sweet man, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Gave the girls a good feeding yesterday and they are lookin good this morning, other than those spots on the one plant.
I do not have co2 I just breathe on them when I check them. Here are some more pics for you all. Let me know what you think!! All comments welcome.



Well-Known Member
man its been a bit since Ive checked in, what a nice looking crop you've got goin on!!! Awesome work!!! keep it up!!