White Widow My First Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the support guys!! Its getting close to the day. Here they are at 52 days flowering. I wanna cut em now!!



Well-Known Member
the support guys!! Its getting close to the day. Here they are at 52 days flowering. I wanna cut em now!!



Well-Known Member
man how much more are you gonna wait til day 60? they should be good to go around then, i wouldnt wait any longer man those hairs are RED!


Well-Known Member
sweet shot...they looking really really nice....and purdy close to done? how much lonnger ya think?


Well-Known Member
sweet shot...they looking really really nice....and purdy close to done? how much lonnger ya think?
Well last night I did it. I was talkin to my buddy (the one who got me started) and he said they looked ready sooooo I chopped 2 of them last night. They look so good hanging there drying. The other 4 plants didnt look like they were quite as far along so I'm gonna give them a few more days.
Only 1 guess on my yield?? my plants are about 22" tall and looking sweet.