White Widow not growing upward on the AeroGarden?


This White Widow plant is about 5 days old and it's not growing upward it seems to me there's something wrong with it... can you guys give me some tips or what am i missing
I'm using Mineral water and the Hp is balanced between 5.6 - 5.8 with Hp Down, I added Airstone inside the Aerogarden reservoir, a fan blowing around the room, I'm not sure though if I should set the fan to blow only on the plant, or around the room including the plant
room temperature Varies 76-78F , Humidity varies between 40-50%
light and water pump are set on 24hrs
I have been watching videos on youtube of plants around the age of mine, They're almost double in size and growth comparing to mine! Is that something to worry about or It is normal for such a slow growth?
2 CFL's 26watts or 23watts i'm not sure, about 6 inches away, it's the lower level i can have the AeroGarden to, should I add additional lights now? i have two 32watts ready but i thought i should add them when it's on the vegetative phase
the curl just got worse today.... i have no idea what's wrong with her, should i add additional cfl's?
It's not growing :( , the growth is VERY slow, now it's about 8 days old and it grew maybe 1% or so comparing to the last pic i showed you, and one leaf is turning yellow, does that mean she's dying?, I'm preparing a growing room for the AeroGarden with a metal halide of 150watts plus the AeroGarden CFL's and another 2 Cfl's of 32watts, growing room is about 2x3 meters but the ceiling is very high, about 3 meters, is that enough for 1 plant? or i should add another bulb of metal halide, apparently growing in AeroGarden is not easy at all for a newbie, I've been struggling for a month now and spent a lot of money for accessories and supplements and preparing a growing room, hope the $700 i spent so far is not a waste
Dude, I have no additional equipment, plants germed from seed, one white widow, one purple kush and they are booming! Just using AG nutes. Don't believe the hype! The new AG Elite is good equipment, lights are better for all growth stages, and it's all about the light and control. Suggest trimming big leaves every so often to save room, add light below and generate new growth! Sea of green baby! ha ha
The mineral water is most likely the problem. What minerals and in what strengths? I bet you don't know, huh? Well, check the strength of the water only with a conductivity meter. That mineral water is going to cause problems. Switch to distilled or R/O water and you'll be good. Let me know if this helps.