white widow not so white


Active Member
so i got some white widow from nirvana it is in week 8 or 9 of flower an tricks are clear still an the plant does not look as white as the one on the site looks good just thought it would come out alot more white is this normal an commets or help would be great. thanks


Well-Known Member
what kind of set-up are you using? lights, hydro or soil, nutes, temperatures in you grow room. all these things and many more can play a factor in tricome production. a picture would help.


Well-Known Member
White crystals on the white widow seem to bloom over night! Keep watching your babies!! They will get whiter.... A pic would help the situation... obviously!


Well-Known Member
Nirvana's WW is just an imatation...it's not the real thing. I grew the original WW back in 96', and it was WHITE like it should be.


Active Member
nice they look better then mine did at that stage i take it is 2 to 4 weeks in looks great. :weed:good luck the rest of way hope all is green or in your case white!!!